then, beginning with the effective date of such change in liability for payment of such federal tax and for each year thereafter, the normal contribution rate under this article shall be established by the department and may not exceed three and one-half percent (3.5%) per year of each employer's payroll subject to contribution. With respect to each employer having a rate of contribution for such year pursuant to terms of IC 22-4-11-2(b)(2)(A), IC 22-4-11-2(b)(2)(B), IC 22-4-11-2(c), IC 22-4-11-3, IC 22-4-11-3.3, IC 22-4-11-3.5, and IC 22-4-11.5, to the rate of contribution, as determined for such year in which such change occurs, shall be added not more than eight-tenths percent (0.8%) as prescribed by the department.
IC 22-4-37-3