605 ILCS 5/6-125

Current through Public Act 103-1052
Section 605 ILCS 5/6-125

In any county under the commission form of government in which a county unit road district is established, as of the first Tuesday in April after the holding of such election, the county superintendent of highways shall take over and be responsible, subject to the direction of the county board, for the construction, maintenance and repair of all roads in such county for which the several highway commissioners had theretofore been responsible. Such construction, maintenance and repair shall be undertaken uniformly throughout the county without granting any special consideration toward any part or parts thereof except for traffic and safety needs.

After the establishment of a county unit road district, the roads for which the county thereby becomes so responsible shall remain a part of the district road system as defined by this Code and shall not be considered as part of the county highway system as defined by this Code. However, any such district road may thereafter be made a part of the county highway system in the manner provided by this Code.

As of such date, the offices of highway commissioner, clerk and treasurer in each road district in such county are abolished, except that such officers may complete the affairs of their respective offices as herein provided and as needed for the transition. Upon release by the county superintendent such road districts shall have no further powers or duties relating to the construction, repair, maintenance and supervision of roads.

As of such date, the several highway commissioners shall deliver to the county superintendent of highways all property and equipment of their respective districts, taking his receipt therefor. Road district property used exclusively for road maintenance and related purposes shall also be delivered to the county superintendent, taking his receipt therefor. The several district clerks shall deliver the books, records and papers pertaining to such office to the county clerk, taking his receipt therefor. The several district treasurers shall transfer and deliver to the county treasurer all funds of their respective districts which they hold, taking his receipt therefor. Any accounts or tax moneys thereafter payable to any road district in such county shall be paid into a special county unit road district fund which shall be maintained separate and apart from the general county fund. The county treasurer shall be custodian of the county unit road district fund and any performance bond executed by the county treasurer shall be applicable to the moneys in the special fund. Receipts for these transfers shall be filed with the county clerk.

The county unit road district so established shall succeed to and assume all obligations and contracts of each of such road districts in such county, other than bonded indebtedness. With respect to the bonded indebtedness for road purposes of any former district in a county in which a county unit road district is so established, the county clerk annually shall extend taxes against all of the taxable property in the former road district so long as any of such bonds are outstanding, sufficient to pay the maturing principal and interest of such bonds as they become due, such tax to be in addition to all other taxes for road purposes and without limitation as to rate or amount. The proceeds of such tax, when collected, shall be used for the payment of the principal and interest on such bonds.

All county unit road districts established under this Act shall be independent county agencies administered by the respective county superintendents of highways, under the general supervision of the county board. The county unit road districts shall maintain separate books showing receipts and expenditures, and shall issue such financial and other reports as the county board may from time to time require.

605 ILCS 5/6-125

P.A. 78-543.