605 ILCS 5/6-111

Current through Public Act 103-1052
Section 605 ILCS 5/6-111

The territory within any county having less than 500,000 inhabitants may be organized into a county unit road district for all purposes relating to the construction, repair, maintenance and supervision of district roads in the county in the manner hereinafter provided. A petition signed by not less than 5% of the legal voters or 50 legal voters, whichever is fewer, in each of at least a majority of the townships in a county under township organization or road districts in a county not under township organization shall be filed with the county clerk of the county requesting the county clerk to submit to referendum in such county to establish a county unit road district in such county for all district road purposes. The petition shall request that such proposition be submitted at the general election in the next succeeding November of an even-numbered year.

Upon the filing of such petition, the county clerk shall submit such proposition at the general election in the next succeeding November of an even-numbered year in accordance with the general election law. Notice of the referendum shall be given, and the election shall be held in the manner provided by the general election laws of the State. The proposition shall be in substantially the following form:

------------------------------------------------------------------------ Shall a county unit road YES district in.... County, ---------------------------------------- Illinois be established? NO ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Whenever in a county under township organization a majority of the voters voting on such proposition in at least a majority of the townships in such county and a majority of the voters voting on such proposition in the entire county vote in favor of the proposition, and whenever in a county not under township organization a majority of the voters voting on such proposition in the entire county vote in favor of the proposition, a county unit road district shall be established in such county for all purposes relating to the construction, repair, maintenance and supervision of district roads in such county which theretofore had been under the jurisdiction of a highway commissioner, effective at the time provided in Section 6-125 of this Act.

Any county unit road district established under this Section shall be an independent county agency and any taxes levied for the county unit road district under Section 6-512 of this Act shall be levied and collected as other county taxes, but the county unit road district taxes shall not be included in any constitutional or statutory tax limitation for county purposes, but shall be in addition thereto and in excess thereof.

605 ILCS 5/6-111

P.A. 81-1489.