765 ILCS 215/4

Current through Public Act 103-1052
Section 765 ILCS 215/4

Upon the filing of the report, any person whose interest may be affected by the survey shall be at liberty to enter his objections to the report, and the court shall hear and determine the objection, and enter an order or judgment either approving or rejecting the report, or modifying and amending the same according to the rights and interests of the parties, or may refer the same back to the commission to correct their report and survey in conformity with the judgment of the court; or the court may, for good reason, set aside the commission, and appoint a new commission, who shall proceed de novo, and survey and determine the boundaries and corners of the lands in question. The corners and boundaries established in the survey as approved in the final judgment of the courts, if not appealed according to the Supreme Court Rules, shall be held and considered as permanently and unalterably established according to the survey. The expenses and costs of the surveys and suit shall be apportioned among all the parties, according to their respective interests.

765 ILCS 215/4

P.A. 79-1365.