225 ILCS 645/9

Current through Public Act 103-1052
Section 225 ILCS 645/9

The Department may refuse to issue or renew or may suspend or revoke a license on any of the following grounds:

a.Material misstatement in the application for original license or in the application for any renewal license under this Act;
b. Wilful disregard or violation of this Act, or of any other Act relative to the purchase and sale of livestock, feeder swine or horses, or of any regulation or rule issued pursuant thereto;
c. Wilfully aiding or abetting another in the violation of this Act or of any regulation or rule issued pursuant thereto;
d. Allowing one's license under this Act to be used by an unlicensed person;
e. For licensees, conviction of any felony, if the Department determines, after investigation, that such person has not been sufficiently rehabilitated to warrant the public trust; for applicants, the Department may refuse to issue a license based on a conviction of a felony if the Department determines in accordance with Section 9.4 that such conviction will impair the ability of the applicant to engage in the position for which a license is sought;
f. For licensees, conviction of any crime an essential element of which is misstatement, fraud or dishonesty; for applicants, the Department may refuse to issue a license based on a conviction of a misdemeanor directly related to the practice of the profession if the Department determines in accordance with Section 9.4 that such conviction will impair the ability of the applicant to engage in the position for which a license is sought;
g. Conviction of a violation of any law in Illinois or any Departmental rule or regulation relating to livestock;
h. Making substantial misrepresentations or false promises of a character likely to influence, persuade or induce in connection with the livestock industry;
i. Pursuing a continued course of misrepresentation of or making false promises through advertising, salesmen, agents or otherwise in connection with the livestock industry;
j. Failure to possess the necessary qualifications or to meet the requirements of this Act for the issuance or holding a license;
k. Failure to pay for livestock after purchase;
l. Issuance of checks for payment of livestock when funds are insufficient;
m. Determination by a Department audit that the licensee or applicant is insolvent;
n. Operating without adequate bond coverage or its equivalent required for licensees;
o. Failing to remit the assessment required in Section 9 of the Beef Market Development Act upon written complaint of the Checkoff Division of the Illinois Beef Association Board of Governors.

The Department may refuse to issue or may suspend the license of any person who fails to file a return, or to pay the tax, penalty or interest shown in a filed return, or to pay any final assessment of tax, penalty or interest, as required by any tax Act administered by the Illinois Department of Revenue, until such time as the requirements of any such tax Act are satisfied.

225 ILCS 645/9

P.A. 87-172.
Amended by P.A. 100-0286,§ 70, eff. 1/1/2018.
Amended by P.A. 099-0642,§ 375, eff. 7/28/2016.
Amended by P.A. 099-0389,§ 10, eff. 8/18/2015.