220 ILCS 5/8-505.1

Current through Public Act 103-1052
Section 220 ILCS 5/8-505.1 - Non-emergency vegetation management activities
(a) Except as provided in subsections (b), (c), and (d), in conducting its non-emergency vegetation management activities, an electric public utility shall:
(1) Follow the most current tree care and maintenance standard practices set forth in ANSI A300 published by the American National Standards Institute and the most current applicable Occupational Safety and Health Administration regulations regarding worker safety.
(2) Provide direct notice of vegetation management activities no less than 21 days nor more than 90 days before the activities begin.
(A) If the vegetation management activities will occur in an incorporated municipality, the notice must be given to the mayor or his or her designee.
(B) If the vegetation management activities will occur in an unincorporated area, the notice must be given to the chairman of the county board or his or her designee.
(C) Affected customers shall be notified directly.
(D) Affected property owners shall be notified by a published notice in a newspaper or newspapers in general circulation and widely distributed within the entire area in which the vegetation management activities notice will occur.
(E) Circuit maps or a description by common address of the area to be affected by vegetation management activities must accompany any notice to a mayor or his or her designee or to a chairman of a county board or his or her designee.

The electric public utility giving the direct and published notices required in this subsection (a)(2) shall provide notified customers and property owners with (i) a statement of the vegetation management activities planned, (ii) the address of a website and a toll-free telephone number at which a written disclosure of all dispute resolution opportunities and processes, rights, and remedies provided by the electric public utility may be obtained, (iii) a statement that the customer and the property owner may appeal the planned vegetation management activities through the electric public utility and the Illinois Commerce Commission, (iv) a toll-free telephone number through which communication may be had with a representative of the electric public utility regarding the vegetation management activities, and (v) the telephone number of the Consumer Affairs Officer of the Illinois Commerce Commission. The notice shall also include a statement that circuit maps and common addresses of the area to be affected by the vegetation management activities are on file with the office of the mayor of an affected municipality or his or her designee and the office of the county board chairman of an affected county or his or her designee.

The Commission shall have sole authority to investigate, issue, and hear complaints against the utility under this subsection (a).

(b) A public utility shall not be required to comply with the requirements of subsection (d) or of paragraph (2) and (3) of subsection (a) when it is taking actions directly related to an emergency to restore reliable service after interruptions of service.
(c) A public utility shall not be required to comply with the requirements of subsection (a) or (d) if there is a franchise, contract, or written agreement between the public utility and the municipality or county mandating specific vegetation management practices. If the franchise, contract, or written agreement between the public utility and the municipality or county establishes requirements for notice to the municipality, county, customers, and property owners, those notice requirements shall control over the notice requirements of paragraph (2) and (3) of subsection (a). If the franchise, contract, or written agreement between the public utility and the municipality or county does not establish notice requirements, the notice requirements contained in paragraph (2) of subsection (a) shall control.
(d) If no franchise, contract, or written agreement between a utility and a municipality mandates a specific vegetation management practice and the municipality enacts an ordinance establishing standards for non-emergency vegetation management practices that are contrary to the standards established by this Section and the vegetation management activities of the electric public utility cost substantially more, as a direct consequence, then the electric public utility may, before vegetation management activities begin, apply to the municipality for an agreement to pay the additional cost. When an application for an agreement is made to the municipality, no vegetation management activities shall begin until the municipality responds to the application by agreement or rejection or dispute resolution proceedings are completed. The application shall be supported by a detailed specification of the difference between the standards established by this Section and the contrary standards established by the municipal ordinances and by a good faith bid or proposal obtained from a utility contractor or contractors quantifying the additional cost for performing the specification. When the municipality receives the specification and the utility contractor's bid or proposal, the municipality shall agree, reject, or initiate dispute resolution proceedings regarding the application within 90 days after the application's receipt. If the municipality does not act within 90 days or informs the utility that it will not agree, the electric public utility may proceed and need not comply with the contrary ordinance standard. When there is a dispute regarding (i) the accuracy of the specification, (ii) whether there is a conflict with the standards established by this Section, or (iii) any aspect of the bid or proposal process, the Illinois Commerce Commission shall hear and resolve the disputed matter or matters, with the electric public utility having the burden of proof. A municipality may have a person trained in tree care and maintenance generally monitor and discuss with the vegetation management supervisory personnel of the electric public utility the performance of the public utility's vegetation management activities without any claim for costs hereunder by the public utility arising therefrom.

The provisions of this Section shall not in any way diminish or replace other civil or administrative remedies available to a customer or class of customers or a property owner or class of property owners under this Act. This Section does not alter the jurisdiction of the Illinois Commerce Commission in any manner except to obligate the Commission to investigate, issue, and hear complaints against an electric public utility as provided in subsection (a)(2) and to hear and resolve disputed matters brought to it as provided in this subsection. Vegetation management activities by an electric public utility shall not alter, trespass upon, or limit the rights of any property owner.

220 ILCS 5/8-505.1

Amended by P.A. 097-0333,§ 350, eff. 8/12/2011.
P.A. 91-902, eff. 7-6-00; 92-214, eff. 8-2-01; 92-214, eff. 8-2-01.