220 ILCS 5/2-101

Current through Public Act 103-1052
Section 220 ILCS 5/2-101 - Commerce Commission created

There is created an Illinois Commerce Commission consisting of 5 members not more than 3 of whom shall be members of the same political party at the time of appointment. The Governor shall appoint the members of such Commission by and with the advice and consent of the Senate. In case of a vacancy in such office during the recess of the Senate the Governor shall make a temporary appointment until the next meeting of the Senate, when he shall nominate some person to fill such office; and any person so nominated who is confirmed by the Senate, shall hold his office during the remainder of the term and until his successor shall be appointed and qualified. Each member of the Commission shall hold office for a term of 5 years from the third Monday in January of the year in which his predecessor's term expires.

Notwithstanding any provision of this Section to the contrary, the term of office of each member of the Commission is terminated on the effective date of this amendatory Act of 1995, but the incumbent members shall continue to exercise all of the powers and be subject to all of the duties of members of the Commission until their respective successors are appointed and qualified. Of the members initially appointed under the provisions of this amendatory Act of 1995, one member shall be appointed for a term of office which shall expire on the third Monday of January, 1997; 2 members shall be appointed for terms of office which shall expire on the third Monday of January, 1998; one member shall be appointed for a term of office which shall expire on the third Monday of January, 1999; and one member shall be appointed for a term of office which shall expire on the third Monday of January, 2000. Each respective successor shall be appointed for a term of 5 years from the third Monday of January of the year in which his predecessor's term expires in accordance with the provisions of the first paragraph of this Section.

Each member shall serve until his successor is appointed and qualified, except that if the Senate refuses to consent to the appointment of any member, such office shall be deemed vacant, and within 2 weeks of the date the Senate refuses to consent to the reappointment of any member, such member shall vacate such office. The Governor shall from time to time designate the member of the Commission who shall be its chairman. Consistent with the provisions of this Act, the Chairman shall be the chief executive officer of the Commission for the purpose of ensuring that the Commission's policies are properly executed.

If there is no vacancy on the Commission, 4 members of the Commission shall constitute a quorum to transact business; otherwise, a majority of the Commission shall constitute a quorum to transact business, and no vacancy shall impair the right of the remaining commissioners to exercise all of the powers of the Commission. Every finding, order, or decision approved by a majority of the members of the Commission shall be deemed to be the finding, order or decision of the Commission.

220 ILCS 5/2-101

P.A. 89-429, eff. 12/15/1995; 92-22, eff. 6/30/2001.