215 ILCS 5/513a8

Current through Public Act 103-1052
Section 215 ILCS 5/513a8 - Examinations
(a) The Director may examine any applicant for or holder of a premium finance license.
(b) All persons being examined, as well as their officers and directors, shall provide to the Director convenient and free access, at all reasonable hours at their offices, to all books, records, documents, and other papers relating to the person's insurance and premium financing business affairs. The licensee or its officers, directors, and employees shall facilitate and aid the Director in the examinations as much as it is in their power to do so.
(c) The Director may designate an examiner or examiners to conduct any examination under this Section. The Director or his designee may administer oaths and examine under oath any individual relative to the business of the person being examined.
(d) The examiners designated by the Director under this Section may make reports to the Director. Any report alleging substantive violations of this Code or the rules and regulations thereunder shall be in writing and be based upon facts obtained by the examiners. The report of examination shall be verified by the examiners.
(e) If a report is made, the Director shall either deliver a duplicate thereof to the licensee being examined or send the duplicate by certified or registered mail to the licensee's address of record. The Director shall afford the licensee an opportunity to request a hearing with reference to the facts and other evidence contained in the report. The licensee may request a hearing within 14 calendar days after he receives the duplicate of the examination report by giving the Director written notice of that request, together with written statement of the licensee's objection to the report. The Director shall, if requested to do so, conduct a hearing in accordance with Sections 402 and 403. The Director shall issue a written order based upon the examination report within 90 days after the report is filed or within 90 days after the hearing, if a hearing is held. If the report is refused or otherwise undeliverable or a hearing is not requested in a timely fashion, the right to a hearing is waived. After the hearing or the expiration of the time period in which a licensee may request a hearing, if the examination reveals that the licensee is operating in violation of any law, this Code or rules and regulations promulgated thereunder, or prior order, the Director in the written order may require the licensee to take any action the Director considers necessary or appropriate in accordance with the report or examination hearing. The order is subject to review under the Administrative Review Law.
(f) Any licensee who violates or aids and abets any violation of a written order issued under this Section shall be guilty of a business offense, and his license may be revoked or suspended under Section 513a7, and he may be fined not less than $501 nor more than $5,000.

215 ILCS 5/513a8

P.A. 87-811.