215 ILCS 5/120

Current through Public Act 103-1052
Section 215 ILCS 5/120 - [Section scheduled to be repealed effective 1/1/2027] Withdrawal of deposits

When a foreign or alien company has withdrawn from this State or has had its certificate of authority to transact business in this State revoked and such company desires to withdraw any deposit made in this State pursuant to this Code, the Director shall upon the application of the company and at its expense, give notice of such intention to the insurance commissioner or other proper supervisory official of each state or country where it appears from information on file with the Director, the company is authorized to transact business, and shall publish notice of such intention in a newspaper of general circulation in this State once a week for four consecutive weeks. After such notice and publication the Director shall deliver to such company or its assigns the securities so deposited when he is satisfied upon examination and investigation made by him, or under his authority, and upon the oaths of the president and secretary or other chief officers of the company that all debts and liabilities of every kind due and to become due which the deposit was made to secure have been paid or otherwise extinguished.

215 ILCS 5/120

Laws 1937, p. 696.