215 ILCS 5/9

Current through Public Act 103-1052
Section 215 ILCS 5/9 - [Section scheduled to be repealed effective 1/1/2027] Authorized kinds of business
(1) Companies may be organized under this article either for the purpose of transacting any of the kind or kinds of business enumerated in Class 1 of Section 4, or for the purpose of transacting any of the kind or kinds of business enumerated in Classes 2 and 3 of that Section, except that those companies offering mortgage pool or mortgage guaranty insurance may provide no other types of insurance.
(2) A domestic company may, notwithstanding limitations otherwise applicable, and provided it maintains books and records which account for such business, engage directly in any of the following businesses:
(a) rendering investment advice;
(b) rendering services related to the functions involved in the operation of its insurance business including, but not limited to, actuarial, loss prevention, safety engineering, data processing, accounting, claims, appraisal and collection services;
(c) acting as administrative agent for a government instrumentality which is performing an insurance function for a health or welfare program;
(d) reinsuring the business of title insurance companies, provided such domestic company if organized as a stock company shall have capital and surplus of not less than $5,000,000 and if organized as a domestic mutual or reciprocal company have surplus of not less than $5,000,000;
(e) any other business activity reasonably complementary or supplementary to its insurance business; either to the extent necessarily or properly incidental to the insurance business the company is authorized to do in this State or to the extent approved by the Director and subject to any limitations he may prescribe for the protection of the interests of the policyholders of the company taking into account the effect of such business on the company's existing insurance business and its surplus, the proposed allocation of the estimated cost of such business and the risks inherent in such business as well as the relative advantages to the company and its policyholders of conducting such business directly instead of through a subsidiary.

215 ILCS 5/9

P.A. 86-1156.