215 ILCS 5/32

Current through Public Act 103-1052
Section 215 ILCS 5/32 - [Section scheduled to be repealed effective 1/1/2027] Increase in capital
(1) Any company subject to this Article may increase its paid-up capital either by issuing additional shares not to exceed the number of authorized shares as set forth in its Articles or by increasing the par value of its shares. No company shall issue additional shares nor increase the par value of its shares without first procuring from the Director a permit so to do, which permit shall expire one year from its date. If the proposed increase in capital is part of a series of transactions that includes subsequent transactions that will be subject to Article VIII 1/2, the company shall provide the Director all of the information called for in Article VIII 1/2 prior to the Director's issuance of a permit. The Director may decline to issue a permit if the Director is not satisfied that the proposed series of transactions satisfies the standards established in Article VIII 1/2.

The Director, upon compliance by the company with the applicable provisions of this Code, and such reasonable regulations relating to the offering, issuance, subscription or sale of or for shares as may be promulgated by the Director to the end that no inequity, fraud or deceit may be worked or tend to be worked upon prospective subscribers to, recipients or purchasers of shares or present holders thereof, shall issue a permit to the company to issue additional shares upon receipt of a copy of a resolution by the Board of Directors authorizing the issuance of such shares.

If preferred shares having a right of conversion to common shares are to be issued, the terms and conditions on which the shares may be converted shall be provided to the Director before a permit may be issued pursuant to this Section.

In the case of shares to be issued for sale, the permit shall authorize the company to solicit subscriptions to such shares on a form of subscription agreement which shall have been submitted to and approved by the Director.

All of the provisions of this Code relative to the filing, terms and effect of subscription agreements, payment for shares, the limitations of expenses, filing of bonds except that no bonds shall be required when a company issues stock to its sole shareholder, deposit of proceeds of shares, return of funds in the event the payment for all of the additional shares is not completed, and qualification or registration shall apply to the same extent and effect as if the additional shares were shares representing the original capital of a company being organized under this Article, except that no organization bond with regard to costs incurred in connection with liquidation or dissolution shall be required, and if the subscription agreement provides for payment in installments, such installments shall not extend beyond one year from date of the permit of the Director.

If shares are to be issued as a stock dividend, or if the par value of shares is to be increased, the permit shall authorize the company to pay for such additional shares or increase in par value by transferring the requisite amount of surplus to paid-up capital provided, however, no transfer of such surplus shall be made which will reduce the remaining surplus to less than the surplus required by Section 13. In the case of an increase in par value, the company may require each shareholder to surrender his or her certificate and to accept in lieu thereof a new certificate conforming to such increase in par value.

No more than one permit of the types under this Section may be outstanding in the name of any company at any time.

(2) When the Director is notified that the additional shares proposed to be issued have, or that the increase in par value has, been fully paid, and that all of the requirements of the permit have been satisfied, he or she shall make an examination of the company and if he or she finds that the provisions of this Section have been complied with, he or she shall issue a certificate of paid-up capital to that effect which shall be filed with the recorder of the county in which the principal office of the company is located within 15 days from the date of said certificate. Upon the issuance of such certificate, the company may withdraw the proceeds of the sale, if any, of its shares and the bond, conditioned upon the full and complete accounting by the company for the proceeds of any such sale of shares, shall terminate or the cash deposited with the Director in lieu of such bond shall be returned.
(3) If the Director finds that any company has failed to comply with, or has violated any provision of the Code or any regulation promulgated under subsection (1), he or she may, in addition to and notwithstanding any other procedure, remedy or penalty provided under the laws of this State, after notice and hearing, revoke the permit issued to it under subsection (1).

215 ILCS 5/32

P.A. 90-381, eff. 8/14/1997.