70 ILCS 605/4-4

Current through Public Act 103-1052
Section 70 ILCS 605/4-4 - Oath of Commissioners-Bond of Commissioners

Before entering on his duties each commissioner appointed or elected under this Act shall qualify by subscribing to an oath to discharge the duties of his office faithfully and without favor or partiality. He shall also give bond payable to the People of the State of Illinois for the use of all persons interested in an amount to be fixed by the court in election districts or the appointing authority in other districts and with surety to be approved by the appointing authority, which bond shall be conditioned upon the faithful performance of his duties and the faithful application of all moneys that may come under his control. The oath and the bond shall be filed with the clerk of the county in which the proceedings to organize the district were held. In the event that a commissioner furnishes a bond with a corporate surety thereon the premium charged by such surety shall be paid by the district. The court in election districts or the appointing authority in other districts, for good cause shown, may, and when petitioned to do so by a majority of the adult landowners owning a majority of the area embraced in the district, shall waive the requirement that a commissioner furnish surety on his bond.

70 ILCS 605/4-4

P.A. 84-886.