65 ILCS 5/8-1-14

Current through Public Act 103-1052
Section 65 ILCS 5/8-1-14 - Resale of warrants

If at any time it is deemed expedient to convert into money any tax anticipation warrants theretofore issued and purchased with public funds pursuant to the provisions of Section 8-1-13, before receipt of the taxes in anticipation of which the warrants were issued, the corporate authorities of the municipality, by ordinance or resolution, may authorize a resale of such warrants and adjust the interest rate thereon, or may authorize the issuance and sale of a like principal amount of new warrants for the same purpose and in anticipation of the same taxes as the original warrants were issued. These new warrants may have any date subsequent to the date of the original tax anticipation warrants. The new tax anticipation warrants shall be of the denomination and shall bear interest at the rate, not to exceed the statutory rate, that is authorized by the ordinance or resolution specified in this section. In a municipality which constitutes a school district, and in which the corporate authorities are required annually to levy all school taxes, the issuance of such new warrants in anticipation of school taxes, or the resale of such original warrants with adjusted interest rate, shall be approved by the board of education of that school district.

Simultaneously with the delivery of these new tax anticipation warrants, a like principal amount of the original warrants that were issued against the same tax that is anticipated by the new warrants shall be paid and cancelled. The proceeds of the sale of these new tax anticipation warrants shall be used first to restore to the fund or funds so invested in the original tax anticipation warrants, money equivalent to the par value and accrued interest of the original tax anticipation warrants and the balance, if any, shall revert to the fund for the creation of which the tax so anticipated was levied. Warrants resold or reissued pursuant to the provisions of this section shall have the same incidents of priority with respect to payment and shall be paid in all respects in the same manner as other warrants issued in anticipation of the same tax and sold in the first instance to any purchaser other than the issuing municipality.

When tax anticipation warrants are reissued they shall bear the index numerical designation of the original warrants and shall be subnumbered consecutively in the order of reissuance, and shall be paid in the direct order of reissuance, beginning with the earliest subnumber.

In determining the priority of payment of more than one series of tax anticipation warrants against the collection of the same tax, the various series shall be treated as having been issued on the date of the original issue of each series of warrants. The series prior in point of time as thus determined shall be paid first.

65 ILCS 5/8-1-14

Laws 1961, p. 576.