65 ILCS 5/7-1-11

Current through Public Act 103-1052
Section 65 ILCS 5/7-1-11 - Optional method of annexing

The following is an optional method of annexing any territory which, (1) is not less than one square mile in area; (2) contains at least 500 inhabitants; (3) is not included within any municipality; and (4) is contiguous to a municipality having not more than 100,000 inhabitants. Such territory may be annexed to a municipality of the specified sort as follows:

A petition, signed by not less than 100 of the electors of the territory sought to be annexed and by the owners of record of more than 50% of such territory, shall be filed with the circuit court for the county in which the territory is situated. The petition shall request that the question of annexation of the territory described therein be submitted to the electors of the territory.

No tract of land in excess of 10 acres in area shall be included in the annexation petition without the express consent of the owner thereof unless the tract is

(1) subdivided into lots or blocks; or
(2) bounded on at least 3 sides by lands subdivided into lots or blocks.

The owner of record of land comprising any part of the perimeter of the territory sought to be annexed may apply to the court for the exclusion of his land from the territory described in such petition. The court shall grant such application if the exclusion of such land will not destroy the contiguity of the land sought to be annexed with the annexing municipality.

After considering any such application, the court shall order the question submitted within the territory at an election in accordance with the general election law. The clerk of the circuit court shall certify the question to the proper election authority for submission. The result of the election shall be entered of record in the court. If a majority of the votes cast on the question favor annexation, the court shall then give notice thereof to the corporate authorities of the proposed annexing municipality. The corporate authorities shall then vote on the question of such annexation and if a majority of their membership, by a vote recorded in the minutes, vote in favor of the annexation, an ordinance shall be passed annexing the territory. The clerk of the annexing municipality shall certify and file a copy of the annexation ordinance with a map showing the boundary lines of the territory annexed, with the recorder of the county in which the municipality is located and a document of annexation shall be filed with the county clerk and County Election Authority.

If the question of such annexation does not receive the requisite majority vote of the corporate authorities, the municipal clerk shall certify the question at an election in accordance with the general election law.

If a majority of persons voting upon the question vote for annexation, the described territory is annexed to the annexing municipality. The clerk of the annexing municipality shall certify and file a statement of the annexation proceeding with a map showing the boundary lines of the territory annexed, as provided in this section.

If a majority of persons voting on the question vote against annexation, no further proceedings shall be had on the question for at least 22 months from the date of such election.

65 ILCS 5/7-1-11

P.A. 83-1362.