65 ILCS 20/21-44

Current through Public Act 103-1052
Section 65 ILCS 20/21-44 - "Public utility" defined - Franchise from city council necessary for use of streets or public ways

The words "public utility" as used in this article shall mean and include all public utilities engaged in the local transportation of passengers for hire, except railroads constituting or used as a part of a trunk line railroad system, and except interurban railroads whose principal business is not that of local transportation of passengers within the city of Chicago. No such public utility shall use or occupy any street or other public way or public place within control of the city of Chicago without a franchise or license from the city council, and any such public utility using or occupying any such street or other public way or public place for the transaction of its business pursuant to any authority other than a franchise or license from the city council, which has not expired, shall cease and desist from using or occupying any such street or other public way or public place unless it shall have obtained a franchise or license from the city council for such use or occupancy.

No such public utility shall continue to use or occupy any street or other public way or public place within control of the city of Chicago after the expiration of its franchise or license from the city council unless the term of such franchise or license shall have been extended prior to its expiration. Any such public utility which shall have subsisting a franchise or license from the city of Chicago to use or occupy any street or other public way or public place within control of the city of Chicago shall have full power and authority to engage in and conduct its business without any further authority or consent from the Illinois Commerce Commission.

65 ILCS 20/21-44

Laws 1941, vol. 2, p. 19.