40 ILCS 5/19-208

Current through Public Act 103-1052
Section 40 ILCS 5/19-208 - Trustees - Vacancy - Powers and duties

Whenever any elective member of the board of trustees shall cease to be in the employ of or to be a member of said board of directors of such public library, his or her membership in said board of trustees shall cease.

Said board of trustees shall have power and it shall be its duty:

(1) To determine the amount which shall be deducted from the salaries or wages paid to employees for the benefit of said pension fund: Provided, the amount of such deduction shall not be less than the equivalent of 6% of the salary or wages of such employe.
(2) To make all payments from said pension fund pursuant to the provisions of this Division.
(3) To administer and invest in its discretion any part of the said pension fund remaining in the hands of said treasurer.
(4) To pay all necessary expenses in connection with the administration of said fund and in carrying out the provisions of this Division for which provision is not otherwise made.
(5) To determine the amount to be paid as benefits or annuities under this act and to increase or reduce the same in its discretion: Provided, that the amount paid as benefit or annuity shall not be increased or reduced after a contributor has become an annuitant.
(6) To take by gift, grant or bequest, or otherwise, any money or property of any kind and hold the same for the benefit of said fund.
(7) To purchase, hold, sell or assign and transfer any of the securities in which said fund or any part thereof may be invested, subject to the approval of the board of directors of such public library.
(8) To exempt any of said employes from the operation of this Division, whenever in its judgment the interests of said fund shall render such exemption necessary and advisable.
(9) To fill any vacancy or vacancies in said board of trustees until the next annual election, as hereinbefore provided.
(10) To make and establish all such rules for the transaction of its business and such other rules, regulations and by-laws as may be necessary for the proper administration of said fund committed to its charge, and the performance of the duties imposed upon it.
(11) It shall keep full and complete records of its meetings and of the receipts and disbursements on account of such fund, and also complete lists of all contributors to said fund, and of all annuitants receiving benefits therefrom, and such other records as in its judgment shall seem necessary, and shall make and publish annually a full and complete statement of its financial transactions.
(12) Said board shall hear and determine all applications for benefits under this Division, and shall have power to suspend any annuity whenever the annuitant becomes actively employed by another public body within the State of Illinois; whenever, in its judgment, the disability of such beneficiary has ceased; or for other good cause.
(13) To compromise, settle or liquidate any claim against said fund, by surrendering the contribution or contributions of any individual or individuals, and make the necessary rules, prescribing the terms under which such settlements may be made, providing there shall be no rule allowing restitution of deductions from salaries after the contributor shall have become eligible to an annuity under this Division.

40 ILCS 5/19-208

Laws 1963, p. 161.