40 ILCS 5/14-140

Current through Public Act 103-1052
Section 40 ILCS 5/14-140 - Duties of a department

Each department in the preparation of payroll vouchers covering payments of salary and wages to members for employment, shall indicate, for each employee who is a member of the system, in addition to other things:

(a) the rate of compensation;
(b) the total compensation earned; and
(c) the amount of contributions deducted for the purposes of the System.

An additional certified copy of each payroll voucher certified by each such department shall be prepared and forwarded together with the original payroll voucher to the Director of Central Management Services, State Comptroller or other officer receiving the original certified payroll voucher for transmittal to the board as herein provided.

Each department, in drawing warrants against trust or federal funds for items of salary on payroll vouchers certified by the department, shall draw such warrants to the employees who are members of the system for the amount of salary or wages specified for the period, less the contributions to be made to the system as certified in such payroll vouchers, and shall draw a warrant made payable to the system for the total of the contributions so withheld from such employees on each such payroll voucher. The warrant drawn to this system, together with the additional copy of the payroll shall be transmitted immediately to the Executive Secretary of the board.

Each Department shall submit to the board a current membership record for each new employee entitled to membership in the system, and such other information regarding each employee as the board may require.

40 ILCS 5/14-140

P.A. 82-789.