40 ILCS 5/14-124

Current through Public Act 103-1052
Section 40 ILCS 5/14-124 - Nonoccupational disability benefit

A member with at least 1 1/2 years of creditable service may be granted a nonoccupational disability benefit, if:

(1) application for the benefit is made to the system by the member in writing after the commencement of disability;
(2) the member is found upon medical examination to be mentally or physically incapacitated to perform the duties of the member's position;
(3) the disability resulted from a cause other than an injury or illness sustained in connection with the member's performance of duty as a State employee;
(4) the member has been granted a leave of absence for disability at the time of commencement of disability. Renewal of a disability leave of absence shall not be required for the continued payment of benefits; and
(5) the member has used all accumulated sick leave available at the beginning of the leave of absence for disability.

The benefit shall begin to accrue on the latest of (i) the 31st day of absence from work on account of disability (including any periods of such absence for which sick pay was received); or (ii) the day following the day on which the member last receives or has a right to receive any compensation as an employee, including any sick pay. The benefit shall continue to accrue until the first of the following to occur:

(a) the date on which disability ceases;
(b) the end of the month in which the member attains age 65 in the case of benefits commencing prior to attainment of age 60;
(c) the end of the month following the fifth anniversary of the effective date of the benefit, or of the temporary disability benefit if one was received, in the case of benefits commencing on or after attainment of age 60;
(d) the end of the month in which the aggregate period for which non-occupational disability and temporary disability benefit payments have been made becomes equal to 1/2 of the member's total period of creditable service, not including the time during which he has received a temporary disability benefit or nonoccupational disability benefit; for purposes of this item (d) only, in the case of a member to whom Section 14-108.2a or 14-108.2b applies and who, at the time disability commences, is performing services for the Illinois Department of Public Health or the Illinois State Police relating to the transferred functions referred to in that Section and has less than 10 years of creditable service under this Article, the member's "total period of creditable service" shall be augmented by an amount equal to (i) one half of the member's period of creditable service in the Fund established under Article 8 (excluding any creditable service over 20 years), minus (ii) the amount of the member's creditable service under this Article;
(e) the date on which the member engages in gainful employment;
(f) the end of the month in which the death of the member occurs.

If disability has ceased and the member again becomes disabled within 60 days from date of resumption of State employment, and if the disability is due to the same cause for which he received nonoccupational disability benefit immediately preceding such reentry into service, the 30 days waiting period prescribed for the receipt of benefits is waived as to such new period of disability.

A member shall be considered disabled only when the board has received:

(a) a written certificate by one or more licensed health care professionals designated by the board, certifying that the member is disabled and unable properly to perform the duties of his position at the time of disability; and
(b) the employee certifies that he is not and has not been engaged in gainful employment.

The board shall prescribe rules and regulations governing the filing of claims for nonoccupational disability benefits, and the investigation, control and supervision of such claims.

Service credits under the State Universities Retirement System and the Teachers' Retirement System of the State of Illinois shall be considered for the purposes of nonoccupational disability benefit eligibility under this Article and for the total period of time for which such benefits are payable.

40 ILCS 5/14-124

Amended by P.A. 102-0538,§ 380, eff. 8/20/2021.
Amended by P.A. 101-0054,§ 5, eff. 7/12/2019.
P.A. 88-535; P.A. 89-246, eff. 8/4/1995.