40 ILCS 5/14-105

Current through Public Act 103-1052
Section 40 ILCS 5/14-105 - Service credit for which contributions are not required
(a) Each employee in service on December 31, 1943, or then on leave of absence not in conflict with Civil Service rules, if such leave had not extended for more than one year continuously, or who is otherwise entitled to prior service credit, who becomes a member shall file with the board on a form supplied by it, a detailed statement of all service rendered prior to January 1, 1944, for which credit is claimed.

Upon verification thereof, the board shall issue a prior service certificate certifying length of prior service. A prior service certificate shall be conclusive so long as membership continues, provided, that a member may, within one year from the date of original issuance of the certificate or modification thereof, request the board to modify or correct the certificate.

When membership ceases, a prior service certificate shall become void, and shall be revived only under the conditions specified in this Article.

In the computation of prior service, the following schedule shall govern: 9 months of service or more during any fiscal year constitutes a year of service; 6 to 9 months, 3/4 of a year; 3 to 6 months, 1/2 year; less than 3 months shall not be considered. Credit shall not be allowed for any period of absence without compensation or for less than 15 days service in any month, nor shall more than one year of service be creditable for all service rendered in any one fiscal year.

(b) Any member shall receive credit for military service provided all of the following conditions are met:
(1) the member was a State employee within 6 months immediately prior to entry into military service;
(2) the member returns as a State employee within 15 months after his unconditional discharge other than by dishonorable discharge; and
(3) the member establishes creditable service for State employment immediately prior to and following the military service.

The total amount of creditable military service for any member during his entire term of service shall not exceed 5 years in the aggregate, except that any member who on July 1, 1963, had accrued more than 5 years of such credit shall be entitled to the total amount of such accrued credit.

(c) Any active member of the System who (1) was earning eligible creditable service under subdivision (b)(12) of Section 14-110 on January 1, 1992, and (2) has at least 17 years of creditable service under Article 5, and (3) is eligible to transfer that creditable service to this System under subsection (c) of Section 5-236 of this Code, and (4) applies in writing for transfer of that creditable service to this System within 30 days after the effective date of this amendatory Act of 1993, shall receive eligible creditable service in this System for that creditable service upon receipt by this System of the amounts transferred under Section 5-236. No additional contributions shall be required for the transferred service.
(d) Any active member of the system who (1) was earning eligible creditable service under subdivision (b)(5) of Section 14-110 on January 1, 1992, and (2) has no more than 7 years of creditable service as a municipal conservator of the peace under Article 7, and (3) is eligible to transfer that creditable service to this System under subsection (a) of Section 7-139.7 of this Code, and (4) makes written notification to this System by January 31, 1994, shall receive eligible creditable service in this System for that service upon receipt by this System of the amounts transferred under Section 7-139.7. No additional contributions shall be required for the transferred service.
(e) Any member may establish creditable service and earnings credit for a period of voluntary or involuntary furlough, not exceeding 5 days, beginning on or after December 1, 2001 and ending before January 1, 2003, that is utilized as a means of addressing a State fiscal emergency. To receive this credit, the member must apply in writing to the System or the member's employer before July 1, 2005. No additional contribution is required for this credit.

40 ILCS 5/14-105

P.A. 87-1265; 92-566, eff. 6/25/2002.