35 ILCS 200/22-65

Current through Public Act 103-1052
Section 35 ILCS 200/22-65 - Form of deed

A tax deed executed by the county clerk under the official seal of the county shall be recorded in the same manner as other conveyances of property, and vests in the grantee, his or her heirs and assigns, the title of the property therein described without further acknowledgment or evidence of the conveyance. The conveyance shall be substantially in the following form:

State of Illinois ) ) ss. County of ....... ) At a public sale of property for the nonpayment of taxes, held in the county above stated, on (insert date), the following described property was sold: (here place description of property conveyed). The property not having been redeemed from the sale, and it appearing that the holder of the certificate of purchase of the property has complied with the laws of the State of Illinois necessary to entitle (insert him, her or them) to a deed of the property: I ...., county clerk of the county of ...., in consideration of the property and by virtue of the statutes of the State of Illinois in such cases provided, grant and convey to ...., his or her heirs and assigns forever, the property described above. Dated (insert date). Signature of .................. County Clerk Seal of County of ...., Illinois

35 ILCS 200/22-65

P.A. 91-357, eff. 7/29/1999.