20 ILCS 2105/2105-300

Current through Public Act 103-1052
Section 20 ILCS 2105/2105-300 - Professions Indirect Cost Fund; allocations; analyses
(a) Appropriations for the direct and allocable indirect costs of licensing and regulating each regulated profession, trade, occupation, or industry are intended to be payable from the fees and fines that are assessed and collected from that profession, trade, occupation, or industry, to the extent that those fees and fines are sufficient. In any fiscal year in which the fees and fines generated by a specific profession, trade, occupation, or industry are insufficient to finance the necessary direct and allocable indirect costs of licensing and regulating that profession, trade, occupation, or industry, the remainder of those costs shall be financed from appropriations payable from revenue sources other than fees and fines. The direct and allocable indirect costs of the Department identified in its cost allocation plans that are not attributable to the licensing and regulation of a specific profession, trade, or occupation, or industry or group of professions, trades, occupations, or industries shall be financed from appropriations from revenue sources other than fees and fines.
(b) The Professions Indirect Cost Fund is hereby created as a special fund in the State Treasury. The Fund may receive transfers of moneys authorized by the Department from the cash balances in special funds that receive revenues from the fees and fines associated with the licensing of regulated professions, trades, occupations, and industries by the Department. Moneys in the Fund shall be invested and earnings on the investments shall be retained in the Fund. Subject to appropriation, the Department shall use moneys in the Fund to pay the ordinary and necessary allocable indirect expenses associated with each of the regulated professions, trades, occupations, and industries.
(c) Before the beginning of each fiscal year, the Department shall prepare a cost allocation analysis to be used in establishing the necessary appropriation levels for each cost purpose and revenue source. At the conclusion of each fiscal year, the Department shall prepare a cost allocation analysis reflecting the extent of the variation between how the costs were actually financed in that year and the planned cost allocation for that year. Variations between the planned and actual cost allocations for the prior fiscal year shall be adjusted into the Department's planned cost allocation for the next fiscal year.

Each cost allocation analysis shall separately identify the direct and allocable indirect costs of each regulated profession, trade, occupation, or industry and the costs of the Department's general public health and safety purposes. The analyses shall determine whether the direct and allocable indirect costs of each regulated profession, trade, occupation, or industry and the costs of the Department's general public health and safety purposes are sufficiently financed from their respective funding sources. The Department shall prepare the cost allocation analyses in consultation with the respective regulated professions, trades, occupations, and industries and shall make copies of the analyses available to them in a timely fashion.

(d) The Department may direct the State Comptroller and Treasurer to transfer moneys from the special funds that receive fees and fines associated with regulated professions, trades, occupations, and industries into the Professions Indirect Cost Fund in accordance with the Department's cost allocation analysis plan for the applicable fiscal year. For a given fiscal year, the Department shall not direct the transfer of moneys under this subsection from a special fund associated with a specific regulated profession, trade, occupation, or industry (or group of professions, trades, occupations, or industries) in an amount exceeding the allocable indirect costs associated with that profession, trade, occupation, or industry (or group of professions, trades, occupations, or industries) as provided in the cost allocation analysis for that fiscal year and adjusted for allocation variations from the prior fiscal year. No direct costs identified in the cost allocation plan shall be used as a basis for transfers into the Professions Indirect Cost Fund or for expenditures from the Fund.
(e) (Blank).

20 ILCS 2105/2105-300

Amended by P.A. 103-0363,§ 1-20, eff. 7/28/2023.
Amended by P.A. 099-0227,§ 905, eff. 8/3/2015.
Amended by P.A. 096-0045,§ 5-25, eff. 7/15/2009.
Amended by P.A. 095-0950,§ 3, eff. 8/29/2008.
Amended by P.A. 094-0091, § 13-5, eff. 7/1/2005.
P.A. 91-239, eff. 1-1-00.