15 ILCS 415/1

Current through Public Act 103-1052
Section 15 ILCS 415/1 - Comptroller may destroy records

After obtaining the approval of the State Records Commission, the State Comptroller may destroy any records made and kept by him. When applying to the State Records Commission for approval to destroy any records, the Comptroller shall accompany his request with a list and a brief description of the records to be destroyed. A copy of this list shall be sent to the Secretary of State before any records are destroyed. The Secretary of State shall examine this list to determine whether any of the records which the Comptroller proposes to destroy are of unusual historic value. If the Secretary of State determines that any of the records are of unusual historic value, he shall inform the Comptroller of his determination, and the Comptroller shall deposit such record in the State Archives rather than destroy them.

Warrants and vouchers shall be retained by Comptroller for at least 3 years after the date thereof and may thereafter be destroyed, but warrants must be reproduced as required by Section 3 before being destroyed.

15 ILCS 415/1

P.A. 90-24, eff. 6/20/1997.