15 ILCS 405/9.03a

Current through Public Act 103-1052
Section 15 ILCS 405/9.03a - Direct deposit earnings statements
(a) For the purposes of this Section:

"Retirement system" means a retirement system that (i) is established under Article 2, 14, 16, or 18 of the Illinois Pension Code and (ii) processes retirement annuities through the Illinois Comptroller's Office.

"State agency" means any executive branch State agency, board, or commission that (i) has 50 or more employees and (ii) processes payrolls through the Illinois Comptroller's Office.

(b) Beginning with State fiscal year 2015 payrolls, each State agency must implement a secure website for its employees to access an electronic version of their earnings statements issued for service on or after July 1, 2014. Before implementing a secure website, each State agency must notify its employees of the website and instruct them on how to access the website. In addition, each State agency must provide its employees with an option to continue receiving a paper version of their earnings statements. If a State agency is unable to establish a secure website before July 1, 2014, it must submit documentation to the Illinois Comptroller's Office stating the reasons it is unable to comply with that requirement by that date, together with a schedule for implementing a secure website. The Comptroller may extend the time for complying with the requirements of this subsection (a) by up to 12 months. Beginning with State fiscal year 2015 payrolls, the Illinois Comptroller's Office shall discontinue printing paper versions of earnings statements for employees who use direct deposit. If an employee notifies his or her employing State agency that he or she wants to continue receiving a paper version of earnings statements or if the State agency is granted an extension under this subsection (b), then, beginning with State fiscal year 2015 payrolls, the State agency shall still be responsible for producing and distributing a paper version of earning statements for its employees. Upon request, the Illinois Comptroller's Office shall continue to print a paper version of earning statements for executive branch State agencies, boards, and commissions with less than 50 employees.
(c) Beginning with retirement annuity payments for State fiscal year 2015, each retirement system must implement a secure website for its annuitants to access an electronic version of their earnings statements issued for annuity payments payable for State fiscal year 2015 or thereafter. Before implementing a secure website, each retirement system must notify its annuitants of the website and instruct them on how to access the website. In addition, each retirement system must provide its annuitants with an option to continue receiving a paper version of their earnings statements. If a retirement system is unable to establish a secure website before July 1, 2014, it must submit documentation to the Illinois Comptroller's Office stating the reasons it is unable to comply with that requirement by that date, together with a schedule for implementing a secure website. The Comptroller may extend the time for complying with the requirements of this Section by up to 12 months. Beginning with State fiscal year 2015, the Illinois Comptroller's Office shall discontinue printing paper versions of earnings statements for annuitants using direct deposit. If an annuitant notifies his or her retirement system that he or she want to continue receiving a paper version of earnings statements or if the retirement system is granted an extension under this subsection (c), then, beginning with retirement annuity payments for State fiscal year 2015, the retirement system shall still be responsible for producing and distributing a paper version of earning statements for its annuitants.

15 ILCS 405/9.03a

Added by P.A. 098-0235,§ 5, eff. 8/9/2013.