15 ILCS 405/7

Current through Public Act 103-1052
Section 15 ILCS 405/7 - State accounting system - State agencies defined - accounts notice of change

In accordance with generally accepted accounting principles applicable to government the comptroller shall develop and prescribe for the use of all State agencies a uniform accounting system, applying the encumbrance method of accounting and so designed as to insure compliance with all legal and constitutional requirements including those respecting the receipt and expenditure of and the accountability for public funds.

For purposes of this Act, "State agencies" or "agencies" means all departments, officers, authorities, public corporations and quasi-public corporations, commissions, boards, institutions, State colleges and universities and all other public agencies created by the State, other than units of local government and school districts. The comptroller shall keep accounts with respect to each State agency which shall accurately reflect the receiving, expending or contracting for the receipt or expenditure of money or other assets on behalf of the State and shall keep accounts of all amounts which may be paid into or out of the State treasury or held or paid out by the State Treasurer.

In developing rules and regulations to implement the uniform accounting system, and in formulating all subsequent changes to the uniform system, the comptroller shall consult with the director, chairman, or other appropriate head of each State agency. The comptroller shall publish and distribute to each State agency a draft of rules and regulations constituting a proposal for the uniform accounting system a reasonable time before any rules and regulations are adopted to prescribe the uniform accounting system. The comptroller shall receive and consider comments by State agencies and by interested citizens on the published proposal before prescribing the uniform accounting system.

No change in the uniform accounting system developed and prescribed under this Section may take effect until 30 days have elapsed from the date the comptroller has given written notice of such change to the Governor, Director of Central Management Services, State Treasurer and Auditor General.

15 ILCS 405/7

P.A. 82-789.