15 ILCS 405/16

Current through Public Act 103-1052
Section 15 ILCS 405/16 - Reports from State agencies

The comptroller shall prescribe the form and require the filing of quarterly fiscal reports by each State agency. Within 30 days after the end of each quarter, or at such earlier time as the comptroller by rule requires, each State agency shall file with the comptroller the report of activity for funds held outside of the State Treasury. The report shall include receipts and collections during the preceding quarter, including receipts and collections of taxes and fees, bond proceeds, gifts, grants and donations, and income from revenue producing activities. The report shall specify the nature, source and fair market value of any assets received, any increase or decrease in its security holdings, and such other related information as the comptroller, by rule, requires. The report shall, consistent with the uniform State accounting system, account for all disbursements and transfers by the State agency. This Section does not require the duplication of reports concerning security holdings and investment income of the State Treasurer which are issued by the Treasurer pursuant to law.

In addition to the quarterly reports required by this Section, each agency shall on an annual basis file a report giving that agency's best estimate of the cost of each tax expenditure related to each of the revenue sources administered by the agency. This annual report shall include the agency's best estimate of the cost of each tax expenditure including: (a) a citation of the legal authority for the tax expenditure, the year it was enacted, the fiscal year in which it first took effect, and any subsequent amendments; (b) to the extent that it can be determined, the total cost of the tax expenditure for the preceding fiscal year together with an estimate of the projected cost for the next succeeding fiscal year along with a description of the methodology used to determine or estimate the cost of the tax expenditure; and (c) an assessment of the impact of the tax expenditure on the incidence of the tax in terms of the relative shares of revenue received under the provisions of the tax expenditure and the revenue that would have been received had the tax expenditure not been in effect. For purposes of this Act, the term "tax expenditure" means any tax incentive authorized by law that by exemption, exclusion, deduction, allowance, credit, preferential tax rate, abatement, or other device reduces the amount of tax revenues that would otherwise accrue to the State, but shall not include reimbursements for services provided to the State by any person collecting and remitting tax under the Retailers' Occupation Tax Act, the Use Tax Act, the Service Occupation Tax Act, or the Service Use Tax Act.

15 ILCS 405/16

P.A. 87-847.
Amended by P.A. 101-0604,§ 15-5, eff. 1/1/2020.
Amended by P.A. 101-0034,§ 5, eff. 6/28/2019.