10 ILCS 5/5-14

Current through Public Act 103-1052
Section 10 ILCS 5/5-14 - Verification list-Registered voters list-Distribution of copies

Either of the canvassers shall, at the end of the canvass, return the "Verification Lists" to the County Clerk and a certificate of the correctness of such return. Immediately after receipt of such Verification Lists, the County Clerk shall cause copies to be printed in plain large type in sufficient numbers to meet all demands, and upon application, a copy of the same shall be given to any person applying therefor. Thereafter a list of registered voters in each precinct shall be compiled by the County clerk, prior to the General Election to be held in November of each even numbered year. On the list, the County Clerk shall indicate, by italics, asterisk, or other means, the names of all persons who have registered since the last regularly scheduled election in the consolidated schedule of elections established in Section 2A-1.1 of this Act.

When the list of registered voters in each precinct is compiled, the County Clerk shall give a copy of it to the chair of a county central committee of an established political party, as such party is defined in Section 10-2 of this Act, or to the chair's duly authorized representative. Within 30 days of the effective date of this Amendatory Act of 1983, the County Clerk shall give the list of registered voters in each precinct that was compiled prior to the general November election of 1982 to the chair of a county central committee of an established political party or to the chair's duly authorized representative.

Within 60 days after each general election the county clerk shall indicate by italics, asterisk, or other means, on the list of registered voters in each precinct, each registrant who voted at that general election, and shall provide a copy of such list to the chair of the county central committee of each established political party or to the chair's duly authorized representative.

Within 60 days after the effective date of this amendatory Act of 1983, the county clerk shall indicate by italics, asterisk, or other means, on the list of registered voters in each precinct, each registrant who voted at the general election of 1982, and shall provide a copy of such coded list to the chair of the county central committee of each established political party or to the chair's duly authorized representative.

The county clerk may charge a fee to reimburse the actual cost of duplicating each copy of a list provided under either of the 2 preceding paragraphs.

10 ILCS 5/5-14

P.A. 83-1263.
Amended by P.A. 100-1027,§ 5, eff. 1/1/2019.