105 ILCS 5/34-2.4a

Current through Public Act 103-1052
Section 105 ILCS 5/34-2.4a - Professional personnel leadership committee
(a) At each attendance center operated pursuant to this Article, a professional personnel leadership committee consisting of (i) up to 7 members elected each school year who are licensed classroom teachers or other licensed personnel, who are employed at the attendance center, and who desire to be members of the committee and (ii) the 2 teacher members of the local school council. The teacher members of the local school council shall serve as co-chairs of the committee, or one teacher member of the local school council chosen by the committee shall serve as chair of the committee. The size of the committee shall be determined by the licensed classroom teachers and other licensed personnel at the attendance center, including the principal.
(b) The purpose of the committee is to develop and formally present recommendations to the principal and the local school council on all matters of educational program, including but not limited to curriculum, school improvement plan development and implementation, and school budgeting.
(c) For the elected committee members, the principal shall convene a publicized meeting of all licensed classroom teachers and other licensed personnel, at which meeting those licensed classroom teachers and other licensed personnel present, excluding the principal, shall elect members to serve on the committee. A staff member eligible to vote may vote for the same number of candidates in the election as the number of members to be elected, but votes shall not be cumulated. Ties shall be determined by lot. Vacancies shall be filled in like manner.
(d) All committee meetings shall be held before or after school with no loss of instructional time. Committee members shall receive no compensation for their activities as committee members.
(e) In furtherance of its purpose, the committee shall have the authority to gather information from school staff through interviews, on noninstructional time, without the prior approval of the principal, the local school council, the board, the board's chief executive officer, or the chief executive officer's administrative staff.

The committee shall meet once a month with the principal to make recommendations to the principal regarding the specific methods and contents of the school's curriculum and to make other educational improvement recommendations approved by the committee. A report from the committee regarding these matters may be an agenda item at each regular meeting of the local school council.

The principal shall provide the committee with the opportunity to review and make recommendations regarding the school improvement plan and school budget. The teacher members of the local school council may bring motions concerning the recommendations approved by the committee, which motions shall formally be considered at meetings of the local school council.

105 ILCS 5/34-2.4a

P.A. 85-1418; 86-1477.
Amended by P.A. 102-0894,§ 20, eff. 5/20/2022.
Amended by P.A. 093-0048, § 5, eff. 7/1/2003.