105 ILCS 5/2-3.51

Current through Public Act 103-1052
Section 105 ILCS 5/2-3.51 - Reading Improvement Block Grant Program

To improve the reading and study skills of children from kindergarten through sixth grade in school districts. The State Board of Education is authorized to administer a Reading Improvement Block Grant Program. As used in this Section:

"School district" includes those schools designated as "laboratory schools".

"Scientifically based reading research" means the application of rigorous, systematic, and objective procedures to obtain valid knowledge relevant to reading development, reading instruction, and reading difficulties. The term includes research that employs systematic, empirical methods that draw on observation or experiment, involves rigorous data analysis that is adequate to test the stated hypotheses and to justify the general conclusions drawn, relies on measurements or observational methods that provide valid data across evaluators and observers and across multiple measurements and observations, and has been accepted by peer-reviewed journal or approved by a panel of independent experts through a comparably rigorous, objective and scientific review.

(a) Funds for the Reading Improvement Block Grant Program shall be distributed to school districts on the following basis: 70% of monies shall be awarded on the prior year's best 3 months average daily attendance and 30% shall be distributed on the number of economically disadvantaged (E.C.I.A. Chapter I) pupils in the district, provided that the State Board may distribute an amount not to exceed 2% of the monies appropriated for the Reading Improvement Block Grant Program for the purpose of providing teacher training and re-training in the teaching of reading. Program funds shall be distributed to school districts in 2 semi-annual installments, one payment on or before October 30, and one payment prior to April 30, of each year. The State Board shall promulgate rules and regulations necessary for the implementation of this program. Programs provided with grant funds shall not replace quality classroom reading instruction, but shall instead supplement such instruction.
(a-5) Reading Improvement Block Grant Program funds shall be used by school districts in the following manner:
(1) to hire reading specialists, reading teachers, and reading aides in order to provide early reading intervention in kindergarten through grade 2 and programs of continued reading support for students in grades 3 through 6;
(2) in kindergarten through grade 2, to establish short-term tutorial early reading intervention programs for children who are at risk of failing to learn to read; these programs shall (i) focus on scientifically based research and best practices with proven long-term results, (ii) identify students in need of help no later than the middle of first grade, (iii) provide ongoing training for teachers in the program, (iv) focus instruction on strengthening a student's phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, and comprehension skills, (v) provide a means to document and evaluate student growth, and (vi) provide properly trained staff;
(3) to continue direct reading instruction for grades 3 through 6;
(4) in grades 3 through 6, to establish programs of support for students who demonstrate a need for continued assistance in learning to read and in maintaining reading achievement; these programs shall (i) focus on scientifically based research and best practices with proven long-term results, (ii) provide ongoing training for teachers and other staff members in the program, (iii) focus instruction on strengthening a student's phonics, fluency, and comprehension skills in grades 3 through 6, (iv) provide a means to evaluate and document student growth, and (v) provide properly trained staff;
(5) in grades K through 6, to provide classroom reading materials for students; each district may allocate up to 25% of the funds for this purpose; and
(6) to provide a long-term professional development program for classroom teachers, administrators, and other appropriate staff; the program shall (i) focus on scientifically based research and best practices with proven long-term results, (ii) provide a means to evaluate student progress in reading as a result of the training, (iii) and be provided by approved staff development providers.
(a-10) Reading Improvement Block Grant Program funds shall be made available to each eligible school district submitting an approved application developed by the State Board beginning with the 1998-99 school year. Applications shall include a proposed assessment method or methods for measuring the reading growth of students who receive direct instruction as a result of the funding and the impact of staff development activities on student growth in reading. Such methods may include the reading portion of the assessments required under Section 2-3.64a-5 of this Code . At the end of each school year the district shall report performance of progress results to the State Board. Districts not demonstrating performance progress using an approved assessment method shall not be eligible for funding in the third or subsequent years until such progress is established.
(a-15) The State Superintendent of Education, in cooperation with the school districts participating in the program, shall annually report to the leadership of the General Assembly on the results of the Reading Improvement Block Grant Program and the progress being made on improving the reading skills of students in kindergarten through the sixth grade.
(b) (Blank).
(c) (Blank).
(d) Grants under the Reading Improvement Program shall be awarded provided there is an appropriation for the program, and funding levels for each district shall be prorated according to the amount of the appropriation.
(e) (Blank).
(f) (Blank).

105 ILCS 5/2-3.51

Amended by P.A. 098-0972,§ 5, eff. 8/15/2014.
P.A. 90-548, eff. 1-1-98; 90-640, eff. 1-1-99; 92-25, eff. 7-1-01.