105 ILCS 5/17-7

Current through Public Act 103-1052
Section 105 ILCS 5/17-7 - Payments from tax levied

Any sum expended or obligations incurred for the improvement, maintenance, repair or benefit of school buildings and property, including the cost of interior decorating and the installation, improvement, repair, replacement and maintenance of building fixtures, for the rental of buildings and property for school purposes, or for the payment of all premiums for insurance upon school buildings and school building fixtures or for the purchase or equipment to be used in the school lunch program shall be paid from the tax levied for operations and maintenance purposes and the purchase of school grounds. The board may provide by resolution that the payment of all salaries of janitors, engineers or other custodial employees and all costs of fuel, lights, gas, water, telephone service, and custodial supplies and equipment or the cost of a professional survey of the conditions of school buildings as provided in Section 2-3.12, or any one or more of the preceding items shall be paid from the tax levied for operations and maintenance purposes and the purchase of school grounds in which event such salaries or specified costs, or both, shall be so paid until the next fiscal year after the repeal of such resolution. Expenditures for all purposes not specified in Sections 17-7 or 17-8 or other provisions of this Act shall be made from the educational fund.

105 ILCS 5/17-7

P.A. 86-1334; 87-984.