Idaho Code § 67-7013

Current through the 2024 Regular Session
Section 67-7013 - REMITTANCE OF FEES
(1) There is established in the state treasury an account known as the "State Vessel Account," to which shall be credited:
(a) Moneys or fees collected by assessors and authorized vendors, under the provisions of this section and section 67-7008, Idaho Code; and
(b) All other moneys as may be provided by law.
(2) All fees collected by an assessor or authorized vendor under the provisions of section 67-7008, Idaho Code, shall be forwarded to the state treasurer not later than the fifteenth day of the month following the calendar month in which the fees were collected, and the state treasurer shall then pay the moneys collected into the state vessel account and the park and recreation account, as provided in subsection (3) of this section, unless otherwise provided by law.
(3) Moneys collected shall be deposited eighty-five percent (85%) to the state vessel account, and fifteen percent (15%) to the park and recreation account established in section 67-4225, Idaho Code. The department shall remit the moneys apportioned to county units of government from the state vessel account not later than January 25, April 25, July 25 and October 25 of each year.
(4) All moneys deposited to the park and recreation account are to be appropriated for the purpose of defraying the expenses, debts and costs incurred in carrying out the powers and duties of the department as provided in this chapter, and for defraying administrative expenses of the department, including salaries and wages of employees of the department, expenses for traveling, supplies, equipment and other necessary expenses of the department as they relate to administration of this chapter. All claims against moneys apportioned to the park and recreation account shall be expended by the department and certified to the state controller, who shall, upon approval of the board of examiners, draw his warrant against the park and recreation account for all bills and claims allowed by the board. Should the related administrative costs of the department amount to less than the moneys apportioned to the park and recreation account for such purposes, the difference shall be remitted to the state vessel account and then apportioned to all counties with a boating improvement program so that the amount apportioned to each eligible county will be in the same ratio as the county's amount of funds received from the state vessel account during the prior fiscal year by a county bears to the total amounts received during that prior fiscal year by all eligible counties.
(5) All moneys deposited to the state vessel account and appropriated to the department, shall be apportioned among the counties of the state based on the designations which the owners make on their application for a certificate of number.
(a) An owner, when purchasing a certificate of number, will be allowed to designate, on the appropriate form, a primary and secondary eligible county where his boating activity occurs. The portion of his fees which are appropriated from the state vessel account shall be apportioned to the designated counties, with seventy percent (70%) of those fees apportioned to the primary designated county and thirty percent (30%) apportioned to the secondary designated county.
(b) Should an owner designate on the appropriate form only one (1) eligible county where his boating activity occurs, the full portion of his fees which are appropriated from the state vessel account shall be apportioned to the designated county.
(c) Should an owner fail to designate on the appropriate form any eligible county where his boating activity occurs, the full portion of his fees which are appropriated from the state vessel account shall be apportioned to all counties with a boating improvement program so that the amount apportioned to each eligible county will be in the same ratio as the county's amount of funds received from the state vessel account during the prior three (3) month payment period bears to the total amounts received during that prior three (3) month payment period by all eligible counties.
(6) Only those counties in the state with a boating improvement program, as recognized by the department, shall be eligible to receive moneys from the state vessel account. A "boating improvement program" means that one or more recognized boating facilities are being developed and/or maintained within the county's jurisdiction and/or that the county has or is actively developing a recognized boating law enforcement program.
(7) Moneys apportioned to the eligible counties shall be placed in and credited to an account which shall be known and designated as the county vessel fund, which shall be used and expended by the board of county commissioners for the protection and promotion of safety, waterways improvement, creation and improvement of parking areas for boating purposes, making and improving boat ramps and moorings, marking of waterways, search and rescue, and all things incident to such purposes including the purchase of real and personal property. The board of county commissioners is also authorized to use and expend funds from the county vessel fund outside the county when the board deems it advisable and for the public good.
(8) Within sixty (60) calendar days of the end of each county fiscal year, the county clerk shall calculate the ending fund balance of the county vessel fund for that fiscal year. If the ending fund balance is higher than the amount of revenues deposited in the county vessel fund from the state vessel account during that fiscal year, then the difference shall be remitted to the state vessel account within thirty (30) calendar days of that calculation. Moneys remitted to the state vessel account, in accordance with the provisions of this section, shall be apportioned to all counties with a boating improvement program so that the amount apportioned to each eligible county will be in the same ratio as the county's amount of funds received from the state vessel account during the prior county fiscal year bears to the total amounts received during that prior county fiscal year by all eligible counties. The provisions of this subsection shall not apply to specific sums of money in county vessel accounts, for which the county commissioners have given written notice, to the department of parks and recreation of an intention to retain those funds for a specific purpose. The notice shall specify the amount of the funds to be held, indicate the purpose for which the funds shall be utilized and provide the date when the funds will be expended. If an amended notice is not submitted by the county commissioners, moneys not expended or contractually committed by the date stated in the original notice of the board of county commissioners shall revert to the state vessel account for distribution as provided in this subsection. All interest earned on moneys invested from a county vessel fund shall return to the county vessel fund.

Idaho Code § 67-7013

[67-7013, added 1986, ch. 207, sec. 2, p. 523; am. 1990, ch. 220, sec. 1, p. 586; am. 1991, ch. 298, sec. 1, p. 783; am. 1994, ch. 65, sec. 5, p. 132; am. 1994, ch. 180, sec. 230, p. 563; am. 2014, ch. 338, sec. 19, p. 851.]
Amended by 2014 Session Laws, ch. 338,sec. 19, eff. 7/1/2014.