Idaho Code § 42-1424

Current through the 2024 Regular Session
(1) Where an adjudication of a water system has been commenced prior to July 1, 1986, or where an adjudication of a water system has been commenced pursuant to subsection (3) of section 42-1404, Idaho Code, resulting in a decree of any court of competent jurisdiction, and thereafter it appears that any claimant having the right to the use of any part of those waters was not included in the decree as a party, and the right was not determined thereby, or that a claimant subsequent to the decree has acquired any right to the use of those waters, the claimant may bring an action to have such right adjudicated in the manner specified in subsection (3) of this section.
(2) Where a general adjudication of a water system has been commenced or enlarged after July 1, 1986, pursuant to section 42-1405 or 42-1406, Idaho Code, resulting in a decree of any court of competent jurisdiction, and thereafter, it appears that a claimant subsequent to the decree has acquired any right to the use of those waters, or that a claimant who possesses a water right designated in paragraphs (a) through (d) of subsection (1) of section 42-1420, Idaho Code, did not have those water rights determined, the claimant may bring an action to have those water rights adjudicated in the manner specified in subsection (3) of this section.
(3) The following procedure shall be used for any supplemental adjudication:
(a) A claimant may bring an action in the district court that originally heard the general adjudication to conduct a supplemental adjudication of the water rights of the claimant; and
(b) The claimant shall, in his complaint, set forth his acceptance as binding upon him of all prior applicable decrees and the findings of fact and conclusions of law upon which they are based, shall request the commencement of a supplemental adjudication and shall set forth the claimed water right in a notice of claim form furnished by the director and attached to the complaint. Thereupon, the district court shall issue a summons and it shall be served upon the state of Idaho and the United States; and
(c) After return of service of summons, the claimant shall cause to be published once a week for not less than three (3) weeks, a notice of the pendency and purpose of the action in such newspaper or newspapers as the judge of the district court may order, which notice shall contain the title of the court and the cause, the name and post-office address of the claimant, the date of priority of the water right claimed, the source of the water supply, the amount of water claimed, in general the nature of the water use, the approximate location of the point of diversion, and the place of use; and
(d) Any person who may be injured and who objects to the water right claimed by the claimant, as described in the published notice, shall, within forty-five (45) days of the date of the first publication of notice, file with the district court written notice of such objection stating the reasons for the objection. A copy of the objection shall be served upon the claimant, upon all other parties of record in the action, the watermasters, and the director; and
(e) The district court may request that the director determine the water rights in accordance with the procedures set forth in sections 42-1410 through 42-1413, Idaho Code; and
(f) The director, within thirty (30) days after the district court requests the director to prepare a director's report in accordance with sections 42-1410 through 42-1413, Idaho Code, shall file with the court notification as to whether the director will conduct an examination of the water rights claimed in the complaint in accordance with the procedures set forth in sections 42-1410 through 42-1413, Idaho Code; and
(g) Notification to the court that the director will proceed in accordance with sections 42-1410 through 42-1413, Idaho Code, shall include an approximation of the time when the director's report will be completed, and an estimate of the director's costs that will be incurred in conducting the examination and in preparing the reports; and
(h) The claimant shall then be required to advance to the director, the estimated costs to be incurred by the director in conducting the examination and in preparing the reports. Prior to the filing of the director's report with the court, the claimant shall pay the balance of the director's verified costs or be refunded any unused estimated costs advanced to the director. In the event that the claimant shall contest the director's costs, the court shall then determine the reasonable costs to be paid by the claimant; and
(i) The director shall file the report with the court upon completion and shall send a copy thereof to all parties to the action. Objections to the report of the director and hearing upon the objections shall be in accordance with the provisions of section 42-1412, Idaho Code; and
(j) For those cases in which the director notifies the district court that the director does not intend to proceed in accordance with sections 42-1410 through 42-1413, Idaho Code, the cause may thereafter be brought on for hearing in open court, and any claimant having filed a timely objection with the court may appear and defend against the claim.
(4) The court's decree shall determine the rights of the claimant in accordance with the proof submitted but subject to the terms of the original decree or decrees. The decree shall contain or incorporate a statement of each element of a water right as stated in subsections (2) and (3) of section 42-1411, Idaho Code, as applicable. The decree shall also determine all other matters necessary for the efficient administration of the water rights. Whereupon water shall be distributed to the claimant in accordance therewith and in the same manner as though the claimant's right had been included in the decree or decrees.
(5) Any person who has appeared in the action may appeal in accordance with the Idaho appellate rules from the decree entered in the action hereby authorized to be brought.

Idaho Code § 42-1424

[(42-1424) 1911, ch. 224, sec. 1, p. 708; am. 1915, ch. 34, sec. 18, p. 112; reen. C.L., sec. 4623a; C.S., sec. 7036; I.C.A., sec. 41-1305; am. 1981, ch. 265, sec. 3, p. 562; am. 1986, ch. 220, sec. 6, p. 563; am. 1986, ch. 230, sec. 1, p. 621; am. and redesig. 1994, ch. 454, sec. 8, p. 1449; am. 1997, ch. 374, sec. 6, p. 1201.]