Idaho Code § 33-1612

Current through the 2024 Regular Session
(1) As used in this section:
(a) "Blended or hybrid instruction" means instruction through both in-person and virtual instruction.
(b) "In-person instruction" means instruction in the physical presence of an individual employed by an Idaho local education agency.
(c) "Virtual instruction" means synchronous or asynchronous instruction primarily through the use of technology via the internet in a distributed environment.
(2) The constitution of the state of Idaho, section 1, article IX, charges the legislature with the duty to establish and maintain a general, uniform, and thorough system of public, free common schools. In fulfillment of this duty, the people of the state of Idaho have long enjoyed the benefits of a public school system, supported by the legislature, which has recognized the value of education to the children of this state. In continuing recognition of the fundamental duty established by the constitution, the legislature finds it in the public interest to define thoroughness and thereby establish the basic assumptions that govern provision of a thorough system of public schools. A thorough system of public schools in Idaho is one in which:
(a) A safe environment conducive to learning is provided;
(b) Educators are empowered to maintain classroom discipline;
(c) The basic values of honesty, self-discipline, unselfishness, respect for authority, and the central importance of work are emphasized;
(d) The skills necessary to communicate effectively are taught;
(e) A basic curriculum necessary to enable students to enter academic or career technical postsecondary educational programs is provided;
(f) Students acquire the knowledge and skills necessary for meeting challenging academic achievement standards and succeeding in the workforce and in life;
(g) The students are introduced to current technology;
(h) The importance of students acquiring the skills to enable them to be responsible citizens of their homes, schools, and communities is emphasized;
(i) Students have the right to an uninterrupted education that covers all disciplines, including music, the arts, and physical education if such courses are offered by the local education agency;
(j) During a period of state or local emergency, if a school district or public charter school has to change from in-person instruction at a school facility to virtual instruction or blended or hybrid instruction, then, to the greatest extent possible and where safety requirements can be developed by the school district or public charter school, an in-person instruction option will be made available to students; and
(k) Student progress is monitored and measured in all required courses of instruction.
(3) The state board shall adopt rules, pursuant to the provisions of chapter 52, title 67, Idaho Code, and section 33-105(3), Idaho Code, to establish a thorough system of public schools with uniformity as required by the constitution, but shall not otherwise impinge upon the authority of the board of trustees of the school districts. Authority to govern the school district, vested in the board of trustees of the school district, not delegated to the state board, is reserved to the board of trustees. Fulfillment of the expectations of a thorough system of public schools will continue to depend upon the vigilance of district patrons, the dedication of school trustees and educators, the responsiveness of state rules, and meaningful oversight by the legislature.

Idaho Code § 33-1612

[33-1612, added 1994, ch. 25, sec. 1, p. 39; am. 1999, ch. 329, sec. 4, p. 856; am. 2021 , ch. 201, sec. 2 , p. 551.]
Amended by 2024 Session Laws, ch. 9,sec. 43, eff. 2/27/2024.
Amended by 2021 Session Laws, ch. 201, sec. 2, eff. 7/1/2021.