Idaho Code § 33-1028

Current through the 2024 Regular Session
(1) By December 15 each year, each school district and public charter school shall report to the state board of education or to the board's designee the following information:
(a) Total student enrollment as of October 1 and December 1 in the year the report is made, or the previous school day if those dates do not fall on a school day;
(b) The number of at-risk students in the school district or at the public charter school as of October 1 and December 1 in the year the report is made, or the previous school day if those dates do not fall on a school day, and the number of at-risk students:
(i) By grade; and
(ii) Enrolled in an alternative school;
(c) The number of economically disadvantaged students in the school district or at the public charter school as of October 1 and December 1 in the year the report is made, or the previous school day if those dates do not fall on a school day, and the number of students who qualify as economically disadvantaged by grade;
(d) The number of English language learners in the school district or at the public charter school as of October 1 and December 1 in the year the report is made, or the previous school day if those dates do not fall on a school day, and the number of English language learners per grade;
(e) The number of gifted and talented students in the school district or at the public charter school as of October 1 and December 1 in the year the report is made, or the previous school day if those dates do not fall on a school day, and the number of gifted and talented students per grade; and
(f) The local salary schedule for the school district or public charter school in effect for the school year prior to the year the report is made.
(2) Beginning in 2020, a school district or public charter school shall include, in the report made pursuant to subsection (1) of this section, the following information for the fiscal year prior to the fiscal year in which the report is made:
(a) The amounts received by the school district or public charter school for each statutory program line item distribution, other program line item distribution, and discretionary funds distribution specified in the state appropriation for public school support; and
(b) The actual expenditures by the school district or public charter school for each such line item distribution and discretionary funds distribution, unless information on the actual expenditures by district or school for a distribution is submitted to the state pursuant to another law or rule.
(3) By January 15 each year, the state board of education shall report to the senate and house of representatives education committees and the joint finance-appropriations committee on the information received pursuant to subsection (1) of this section. The state board's report shall include such information for each individual school district and public charter school and shall also summarize the information in aggregate statewide. The state board's report shall further include allocations made for each cell of the career ladder pursuant to section 33-1004B, Idaho Code.

Idaho Code § 33-1028

[33-1027, added 2019, ch. 328, sec. 6, p. 976.]