N.C. Gen. Stat. § 90-390

Current through Session Law 2024-50
Section 90-390 - Refusal, suspension, or revocation of a certificate
(a) A certificate applied for or issued under this Article may be refused, suspended, revoked, or otherwise limited as provided in subsection (e) of this section by the Board upon proof that the applicant or person to whom a certificate was issued:
(1) Has been convicted of a felony;
(2) Has been convicted of a misdemeanor involving moral turpitude, misrepresentation or fraud in dealing with the public, or an offense relevant to fitness to practice certified fee-based pastoral counseling;
(3) Has engaged in fraud or deceit in securing or attempting to secure a certificate or the renewal of a certificate or has willfully concealed from the Board material information in connection with application for or renewal of a certificate under this Article;
(4) Is a habitual drunkard or is addicted to deleterious habit-forming drugs;
(5) Has made fraudulent or misleading statements pertaining to his education, licensure, professional credentials, or related to his qualification or fitness for the practice of pastoral counseling;
(6) Has had a license for the practice of pastoral counseling in any other state or any other country suspended or revoked;
(7) Has been guilty of unprofessional conduct as defined by the relevant code of ethics published by the American Association of Pastoral Counselors; or
(8) Has violated any provision of this Article or the rules of the Board.
(b) A certificate issued under this Article shall be automatically suspended by the Board after failure to renew a certificate for a period of more than three months after the annual renewal date.
(c) Except as otherwise provided in this Article, the procedure for revocation, suspension, refusal, or other limitations of the certificate shall be in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 150B of the General Statutes. In any proceeding or record of any hearing before the Board, and in any complaint or notice of charges against any certified fee-based pastoral counselor or certified fee-based pastoral counseling associate and in any decision rendered by the Board, the Board shall endeavor to withhold from public disclosure the identity of any counselees or clients who have not consented to the public disclosure of treatment by the certified fee-based pastoral counselor or certified fee-based pastoral counseling associate. The Board may close a hearing to the public and receive in a closed session evidence concerning the treatment or delivery of pastoral counseling services to a counselee or a client who has not consented to public disclosure of treatment or services, as may be necessary for the protection of the counselee's or client's rights and the full presentation of relevant evidence. All records, papers, and documents containing information collected and compiled by or on behalf of the Board as a result of investigations, inquiries, or interviews conducted in connection with certification or disciplinary matters are not public records within the meaning of Chapter 132 of the General Statutes. However, any notice or statement of charges against any certified fee-based pastoral counselor or certified fee-based pastoral counseling associate, any notice to any certified fee-based pastoral counselor or certified fee-based pastoral counseling associate of a hearing in any proceeding, or any decision rendered in connection with a hearing in any proceeding is a public record within the meaning of Chapter 132 of the General Statutes, except that identifying information concerning the treatment or delivery of services to a counselee or client who has not consented to the public disclosure of such treatment or services may be deleted. Any record, paper, or other document containing information collected and compiled by or on behalf of the Board, as provided in this section, that is received and admitted in evidence in any hearing before the Board shall be a public record within the meaning of Chapter 132 of the General Statutes, subject to any deletions of identifying information concerning the treatment or delivery of pastoral counseling services to a counselee or client who has not consented to public disclosure of the treatment or services.
(d) The Board may reinstate a suspended certificate upon payment by an applicant of a fee of twenty dollars ($20.00), and may require that the applicant file a new application, submit to reexamination for reinstatement, and pay other authorized fees as required by the Board.
(e) Upon proof that a certified fee-based pastoral counselor or certified fee-based pastoral counseling associate certified under this Article has engaged in any of the prohibited actions specified in subsection (a) of this section, the Board may, in lieu of refusal, suspension, or revocation, do any one or more of the following:
(1) Issue a formal reprimand;
(2) Formally censure the certified fee-based pastoral counselor or certified fee-based pastoral counseling associate;
(3) Place the certified fee-based pastoral counselor or certified fee-based pastoral counseling associate on probation with any conditions the Board may deem advisable; or
(4) Limit or circumscribe the professional pastoral counseling services provided by the certified fee-based pastoral counselor or the certified fee-based pastoral counseling associate as the Board deems advisable.
(f) The Board may impose conditions of probation or restrictions on continued practice at the conclusion of a period of suspension or as a condition for the restoration of a revoked or suspended certificate. In lieu of or in connection with any disciplinary proceedings or investigation, the Board may enter into a consent order relating to the discipline, censure, proceeding costs, probation, or limitations on the practice of a certified fee-based pastoral counselor or certified fee-based pastoral counseling associate.

N.C. Gen. Stat. § 90-390

1991, c. 670, s. 1; 1993 (Reg. Sess., 1994), c. 570, s. 8.