"Statistical organization" shall not mean the North Carolina Rate Bureau, the North Carolina Motor Vehicle Reinsurance Facility, the North Carolina Insurance Underwriting Association, or the North Carolina Joint Underwriting Association.
If the Commissioner determines that the applicant and the natural persons through whom it acts are qualified to provide the services proposed and that all requirements of law are met, the Commissioner shall issue a license specifying the authorized activity of the applicant. The Commissioner shall not issue a license if the proposed activity would tend to create a monopoly or to lessen or to destroy price competition. Licenses issued pursuant to this section shall remain in effect until the licensee withdraws from the State or until the license is suspended or revoked. Any change in or amendment to any document required to be filed under this section shall be promptly filed with the Commissioner. Every statistical organization shall file a statistical plan with the Commissioner for approval for each line of insurance for which the organization requests to be licensed. The Commissioner may, in the Commissioner's discretion, modify the plan to collect additional types of data. No statistical organization shall engage in any unfair or unreasonable practice with respect to its activities.
N.C. Gen. Stat. § 58-36-4