Conn. Gen. Stat. § 8-250

Current with legislation from the 2024 Regular and Special Sessions.
Section 8-250 - Purpose and powers of authority

The purpose of the authority shall be to alleviate the shortage of housing for low and moderate income families and persons in this state and, when appropriate, to promote or maintain the economic development of this state through employer-assisted housing efforts and for such purposes the authority shall have the following powers:

(1) To have perpetual succession as a body politic and corporate and to adopt and from time to time amend and repeal bylaws, policies and procedures for the regulations of its affairs and the conduct of its business;
(2) To invest in, purchase, acquire and take assignments from mortgagees of notes and mortgages evidencing loans for the construction, rehabilitation, purchase, leasing or refinancing of housing;
(3) To receive and accept aid or contributions from any source of money, property, labor or other things of value, to be held, used and applied to carry out the purposes of this chapter subject to such conditions upon which such grants and contributions may be made, including, but not limited to, gifts or grants from any department, agency or instrumentality of the United States or this state for any purpose consistent with this chapter;
(4) To enter into agreements with any department, agency or instrumentality of the United States or this state and with prospective mortgagees and mortgagors for the purpose of planning and regulating and providing for the financing and refinancing, construction or rehabilitation, leasing, management and disposition of any housing undertaken with the assistance of the authority under this chapter;
(5) To acquire or contract to acquire, by purchase, grant, foreclosure or otherwise, leaseholds, fees and other interests in real property, in the state of Connecticut; to take assignments of leases and rentals; to own, hold, clear, improve and rehabilitate and to sell, assign, exchange, transfer, convey, lease, mortgage or otherwise dispose of or encumber such property on any terms, including purchase money mortgages;
(6) To promote and encourage private sponsorship of the construction and rehabilitation of adequate housing for low and moderate income families and persons in this state;
(7) To encourage the individual ownership of homes and the ownership of individual shares of or memberships in cooperative housing by low and moderate income families and persons in this state;
(8) To stimulate environmental planning for housing for low and moderate income families and persons in order to enhance opportunities of such persons for self-development and employment;
(9) To encourage governmental agencies and others to participate and assist in overcoming the lack of adequate housing for low and moderate income families and persons in this state;
(10) To make mortgage loans and to participate with any department, agency or instrumentality of the United States or this state, or any lending institution, foundation, labor union, investment trust, educational institution, or fiduciary in a loan to an eligible mortgagor secured by a single participation mortgage or by separate mortgages, the interest of each having equal priority as to lien in proportion to the amount of the loan so secured, but not necessarily equal as to interest rate, time or rate of amortization or otherwise; to undertake commitments to make mortgage loans; to sell mortgages at public or private sale, with or without bidding; to foreclose on any mortgage or commence any action to protect or enforce any right conferred upon it by law, mortgage, contract or other agreement, and to bid for and purchase property which was the subject of such mortgage, at any foreclosure or at any other sale; to release or relinquish any right, title, claim, interest or demand, however acquired, including any equity or right of redemption, in property foreclosed by it; to acquire and take possession of any such property, and in such event to complete, administer, pay the principal and interest or any obligation incurred in connection with such property, dispose of, and otherwise deal with, such property in such manner as may be necessary or desirable to protect the interests of the authority therein;
(11) To the extent permitted under this chapter, to borrow money or secure credit on a temporary, short-term, interim or long-term basis;
(12) To issue bonds, bond anticipation notes and other obligations of the authority to the extent permitted under this chapter, to fund and refund the same and provide for the rights of the holders thereof; and to secure the same by pledge of revenues, notes and mortgages of others;
(13) To acquire, lease, hold and dispose of personal property for its corporate purposes;
(14) To fix and collect fees and charges in connection with its loans, applications for loans, commitments, mortgage insurance and purchase of mortgages, including, but not limited to, reimbursement of costs of financing by the authority, service charges and insurance premiums as the authority shall determine to be reasonable and as shall be approved by the authority;
(15) To employ such assistants, agents and other employees and to engage consultants and such other independent professionals as may be necessary or desirable to carry out its purposes in accordance with this chapter and to fix their compensation; and to provide technical assistance to eligible mortgagors as provided in this chapter;
(16) To make and enter into all contracts and agreements necessary or incidental to the performance of its duties and the execution of its powers under this chapter, including contracts or agreements with qualified financial institutions for the servicing and processing of mortgage loans pursuant to this chapter;
(17) To sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, provided nothing in section 8-244 or 8-253 shall be so construed as to permit an attachment of or garnishment against any of the funds or assets of the authority prior to final judgment, adopt a seal and alter the same at pleasure, and maintain an office at such place or places within the state as it may designate;
(18) To invest any funds not needed for immediate use or disbursement, including any funds held in reserve, in obligations issued or guaranteed by the United States of America or the state of Connecticut and in other obligations which are legal investments for savings banks in this state and in time deposits or certificates of deposit or other similar banking arrangements secured in such manner as the authority determines;
(19) To procure insurance against any loss in connection with its property and other assets, including mortgages and mortgage loans, in such amounts and from such insurers as it deems desirable;
(20) To the extent permitted under its contract with the holders of bonds, bond anticipation notes and other obligations of the authority, to consent to any modification with respect to rate of interest, time and payment of any installment of principal or interest, security or any other term of any mortgage, mortgage loan, mortgage loan commitment, contract or agreement of any kind to which the authority is a party;
(21) To the extent permitted under its contract with the holders of bonds, bond anticipation notes and other obligations, to enter into contracts with any mortgagor containing provisions enabling such mortgagor to reduce the rental or carrying charges to families of persons unable to pay the regular schedule of charges where, by reason of other income or payment from any department, agency or instrumentality of the United States or this state, such reductions can be made without jeopardizing the economic stability of housing being financed;
(22) Where by reason of the financing plan a review of the application for financing the proposed housing is required by or on behalf of any department, agency or instrumentality of the United States or this state, to provide, contract or arrange for consolidated processing of any such application to avoid duplication thereof by either undertaking the processing in whole or in part for any such department, agency or instrumentality or, in the alternative, delegating the processing in whole or in part to any such department, agency or instrumentality;
(23) To sell, at public or private sale, with or without bidding, any mortgage or other obligation held by the authority;
(24) To insure mortgage payments of any mortgage loan made for the purpose of constructing, rehabilitating, purchasing, leasing, or refinancing housing, upon such terms and conditions as the authority may prescribe;
(25) To enter into mortgage insurance agreements with lending institutions in connection with the lending of money by such institutions for the purchase of housing;
(26) To make advances to nonprofit corporations, including community housing development corporations meeting the requirements of section 8-217, and to municipal developers for the expenses of planning and developing housing for which such nonprofit corporation or municipal developer has applied for a mortgage loan or mortgage insurance from the authority under the provisions of this chapter. The authority may make such advances after it has determined that the proposed housing complies with the standards established by the authority under this chapter, in an amount not to exceed ninety-five per cent of the reasonable development costs expected to be incurred by the applicant in connection with the planning and developing of such housing prior to the availability of financing for the construction, rehabilitation or acquisition thereof. The proceeds of the advance may be used only to defray the development costs of such housing. Each advance shall be repaid in full by the recipient thereof upon initial disbursement of the construction loan financing such housing, unless the authority extends the period for repayment of the advances. In no event shall the time for repayment be extended beyond the date of receipt of final disbursement of construction loan proceeds. If the authority determines, after making an advance hereunder, that it will not make a mortgage loan or insure a mortgage for the proposed housing under the provisions of this chapter, the advance may, at the discretion of the authority, be treated as a grant to the extent that the advance cannot be repaid from the assets of the recipient corporation or municipal developer, including the project;
(27) To encourage home ownership by low and moderate income families and persons, including ownership of structures containing not more than four dwelling units where the eligible low or moderate income family or person owning such structure occupies a dwelling unit therein. Structures acquired hereunder may be newly-built, existing or rehabilitated, either before or after acquisition. If newly-built, such structures shall conform to the State Building Code; existing structures shall conform after rehabilitation to standards established by the authority. The authority may assist an eligible mortgagor in the acquisition, construction or rehabilitation of such structures by exercising any of the powers conferred upon the authority by this chapter. Any structure so acquired, constructed or rehabilitated by an eligible mortgagor other than a low or moderate income family or person shall be conveyed to a low or moderate income family or person within one year from the date of such acquisition or from the date of completion of such construction or acquisition, whichever date is later;
(28) To establish a program to finance the construction or rehabilitation of housing designed for condominium or cooperative ownership, to convert existing housing however financed to such forms of ownership, and to finance the ownership of individual shares of or memberships in cooperative housing, and individual units of condominium housing, which mortgages for such cooperative and condominium housing are financed by the authority, and in connection therewith to make or insure first or second mortgage loans to finance the organization and the construction or rehabilitation of or conversion to cooperative or condominium housing, to assist and advise tenants during a period of conversion to cooperative or condominium ownership, and to make or insure loans to finance the ownership of individual shares of or memberships in existing as well as new or rehabilitated cooperative housing, such loans to be secured by pledges of the individual shares of or memberships in the cooperative housing purchased or by such other security as the authority shall prescribe, pursuant to such rules and regulations as the authority may determine, provided, in the case of mortgage loans or mortgage loan insurance for occupied existing housing to be converted into cooperative or condominium ownership, the authority shall determine, prior to any mortgage loan or mortgage loan insurance commitment, pursuant to rules and regulations promulgated by it, that a sufficient number of the families and persons who are tenants before such conversion have agreed to purchase individual shares of or memberships in any cooperative housing created or units in any condominium declared after conversion to ensure the economic feasibility of the conversion and to ensure that the conversion will not create undue hardship through the displacement of such tenants, provided that, if a loan made by the authority under this section is insured or if the project or any units therein are assisted by any department, agency or instrumentality of the United States or this state, and the terms of the loan insurance commitment or any governmental regulations covering such insurance or other assistance are inconsistent with the terms and conditions required by this section or established by the authority under this chapter, the terms of such loan insurance commitment or governmental regulation shall prevail, to the extent of such inconsistency. As used in this subdivision, "housing" includes the land which constitutes a mobile manufactured home park and "tenants" includes the residents of a mobile manufactured home park;
(29) To give approval or consent to the articles of incorporation or other basic documents of organization submitted to the authority by an applicant for a mortgage loan.
(1) If the applicant is a nonprofit corporation, the articles of incorporation shall, in addition to other requirements of law, provide:
(a) That the corporation has been organized to provide housing;
(b) that all the income and earnings of the corporation shall be used exclusively for corporate purposes and that no part of the net earnings or net income of the corporation shall inure to the benefit or profit of any private individual, firm, corporation, partnership or association;
(c) that the corporation is in no manner controlled or under the direction or acting in the substantial interest of any private individual, firm, partnership or association seeking to derive profit or gain therefrom or seeking to eliminate or minimize losses in any dealing or transactions therewith;
(d) that the operations of the corporation may be supervised by the authority and that the corporation shall enter into such agreements with the authority as the authority from time to time requires providing for regulation by the authority of the planning, development and management of any housing project undertaken by the corporation and the disposition of the property and franchises of the corporation.
(2) If the applicant is a corporation organized for profit, the articles of incorporation shall provide, in addition to other requirements of law:
(a) That the corporation has been organized to provide housing;
(b) that every stockholder of the corporation shall be deemed, by the subscription or receipt of stock therein, to have agreed that he at no time shall receive from the corporation in repayment of his investment any sums in excess of the face value of the investment plus cumulative dividends not in excess of the return on equity permitted by other provisions of this chapter, computed from the initial date upon which moneys were paid or property delivered in consideration for the proprietary interest of the stockholder and upon the dissolution of the corporation any surplus in excess of such amounts shall be paid to the authority;
(c) that the operations of the corporation may be supervised by the authority and that the corporation shall enter into such agreements with the authority as the authority from time to time requires providing for regulation by the authority of the planning, development and management of any housing undertaken by the corporation and the disposition of the property and franchises of the corporation.
(3) If the applicant is an unincorporated association, including, but not limited to, a partnership, limited partnership, joint venture or trust, its basic documents of organization shall provide, in addition to other requirements of law:
(a) That the association has been organized to provide housing;
(b) that every member of the association shall be deemed by acceptance of a beneficial interest in the association or by executing the basic document of organization to have agreed that he at no time shall receive from such association any return in excess of the face value of the investment attributable to his respective interest plus cumulative dividend payments not in excess of the return on equity permitted by other provisions of this chapter, computed from the initial date upon which moneys were paid or property delivered in consideration for the interest, and upon the dissolution of the association any surplus in excess of such amounts shall be paid to the authority;
(c) that the operations of the association may be supervised by the authority and that the association shall enter into such agreements with the authority as the authority from time to time requires providing for the regulation by the authority of the planning, development and management of any housing undertaken by the association, and the disposition of the property and franchises of the association.
(4) "Surplus" as used in this subsection shall not be deemed to include any increase in assets of any recipient of a mortgage loan from the authority under this chapter, by reason of reduction of mortgage, by amortization or similar payments, or realized from the sale or disposition of any assets of such recipient, to the extent such surplus can be attributed to any increase in market value of any real property or tangible personal property accruing during the period the assets were owned and held by such recipient.
(5)The articles of incorporation or similar basic documents of organization shall further provide that the authority shall have the power to appoint to the board of directors of the nonprofit or for-profit corporation a number of new directors, which number shall be sufficient to constitute a majority of the board, and to appoint a managing agent of the unincorporated association, notwithstanding any other provisions of the articles of incorporation or other basic documents of organization or any other provisions of law, if:
(a) The authority determines that the loan or advance made to such recipient is in jeopardy of not being repaid;
(b) the authority determines that the proposed housing project for which the loan or advance was made is in jeopardy of not being constructed;
(c) the recipient is a nonprofit corporation, and the authority determines that some part of the net income or earnings of the corporation is inuring to the benefit of any private individual, firm, partnership, corporation or association, or that the corporation is in some manner controlled by or under the direction of or acting in the substantial interest of any private individual, firm, corporation, partnership or association seeking to derive benefit or gain therefrom or seeking to eliminate or minimize losses in any dealings or transactions therewith;
(d) the recipient is a for-profit corporation or unincorporated association, and the authority determines that some part of the net income or earnings of the recipient, in excess of that permitted by other provisions of this chapter, shall inure to the benefit of any private individual, firm, corporation, partnership or association;
(e) the authority determines that the recipient is in violation of any rules or regulations promulgated by the authority under the provisions of this chapter;
(f) the authority determines that the recipient is in violation of any agreements entered into with the authority providing for regulation by the authority of the planning, development and management of any housing undertaken by the recipient or the disposition of the property and franchises of such recipient;
(30) To do all acts and things necessary or convenient to carry out the purposes of this chapter and the powers expressly granted by this chapter;
(31) To make construction loans secured by a first mortgage to persons for the project costs of subdivision development, upon a finding by the authority that the permanent mortgages are to be used for a housing project and that the construction loan shall include an agreement between the authority and such person which shall establish such restrictions and safeguards as the authority shall deem appropriate and necessary:
(1) To assure that savings and benefits realized by such person are reflected in the transfer of title to the mortgagor of such housing whereby said mortgagor is guaranteed full realization of the financial benefit of such savings, or
(2) to return to the authority the savings and benefits realized by such person in the event the permanent mortgages are not made to a mortgagor;
(32) To make commitments to purchase, and to purchase, service and sell mortgages and to make loans directly upon the security of any mortgage, or to purchase and sell Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation participation sale certificates, Government National Mortgage Association mortgage-backed securities or other similar securities which are insured by any department, agency or instrumentality of the United States of America or public corporation chartered by Congress during the maximum yields reasonably obtainable for the purpose of generating income to the authority which will enable the authority to provide a lower interest rate than is presently possible for families of low and moderate income. Income limitations adopted by the authority shall not apply to mortgages or securities purchased pursuant to this subsection;
(33) To make loans which are not secured by a mortgage on real property for the rehabilitation of residential housing for occupancy by persons of low and moderate income, in amounts not to exceed the maximum amount insurable by any department, agency or instrumentality of the United States of America in the case of each loan, on such terms and conditions as the authority may determine, provided any such loan shall be insured or guaranteed by a department, agency or instrumentality of the United States of America, or by such other entity as the authority shall determine is financially able to insure or guarantee repayment in the event of default by the borrower, or coinsured by a department, agency or instrumentality of the United States of America with the authority being a self-insurer for any amount in excess of the insurance available under such coinsurance program;
(34) In addition to powers previously provided pursuant to this chapter and without regard to the limitations in sections 8-253a and 8-254a:
(1) To establish a program to finance urban area mortgages and to make, enter into and enforce all contracts or agreements necessary, convenient or desirable with respect thereto; provided applications for urban area mortgages may be considered only when the desired loan may not be otherwise available on reasonable terms;
(2) to insure mortgage payments for any urban area mortgage on the same terms and conditions of and subject to the applicable provisions of sections 8-253 and 8-254 and to enter into mortgage insurance agreements with lending institutions in connection with the lending of money by such institutions for the making of urban area mortgages; and
(3) from time to time to adopt, modify, amend or repeal rules and regulations governing the making, purchasing, servicing and sale of such urban area mortgages;
(35) To make loans and advances to any mortgagor owning a housing project:
(1) For repairs, maintenance, improvements and replacements in the project and the acquisition of any equipment or supplies required therefor;
(2) for the payment of liens or claims against any project or against any nonprofit corporation or municipal developer owning any project and arising out of the ownership or operation of such project; or
(3) for the payment of any other expenses deemed necessary or desirable to protect the interest of the authority; provided in each case that the construction, acquisition or rehabilitation of the project was financed by a mortgage loan held or insured by the authority, the mortgagor owning the project is unable to make any such payment, and the failure to make any such payment would either (i) constitute or threaten a delinquency or default under the mortgage held or insured by the authority, or a violation of any agreements entered into with the authority or (ii) jeopardize the economic stability of the project. Any such loan or advance may, at the discretion of the authority, be treated as a grant and, if not so treated, shall be evidenced by a second mortgage on the housing project and shall be repaid according to such terms and conditions as the authority may prescribe, except that the repayment of the loan in the event of default under such mortgage by the mortgagor need not be insured or guaranteed;
(36) To provide in all programs of the authority means to finance project costs for the purchase, construction and installation in new and existing buildings of energy conservation measures and renewable energy systems providing space heating or cooling, domestic hot water, electricity or other useful energy, regardless of whether a building is presently financed in whole or in part by other programs of the authority. Such energy financing programs shall include making or insuring first or second mortgage loans or loans secured by a security other than a mortgage, as the authority may prescribe. The authority's energy loan programs shall be designed to carry out the state policy of encouraging energy conservation and the widespread use of renewable energy to reduce dependence on conventional fuels subject to rapid increases in cost and uncertain availability. The authority may prescribe loan conditions and loan eligibility criteria consistent with state policy. For the purposes of this subsection "renewable energy" means solar, wind, water and biomass energy;
(37) To make loans to any person who is sixty-two years of age or older and who owns a single family dwelling in which he resides, for the purpose of converting a portion of the dwelling into a rental unit, subject to applicable zoning regulations;
(38) To extend mortgage loan guarantees to mortgage lending institutions to refinance residential mortgage loans when a decrease in the appraised value of the real property securing the mortgage precludes such lending;
(a) In connection with, or incidental to, the issuance or carrying of bonds, or acquisition or carrying of any investment or program of investment, to enter into any contract which the authority determines to be necessary or appropriate to place the obligation or investment of the authority, as represented by the bonds, investment or program of investment and the contract or contracts, in whole or in part, on the interest rate, currency, cash flow, or other basis desired by the authority, including, without limitations, contracts commonly known as interest rate swap agreements, currency swap agreements, forward payment conversion agreements, futures, or contracts providing for payments based on levels of, or changes in, interest rates, currency exchange rates, stock or other indices, or contracts to exchange cash flows or a series of payments, or contracts, including, without limitation, interest rate floors or caps, options, puts or calls to hedge payment, currency, rate, spread, or similar exposure or, contracts for the purchase of option rights with respect to the mandatory tender for purchase of bonds, notes or other obligations of the authority, which are subject to mandatory tender or redemption, including the issuance of certificates evidencing the right of the owner to exercise such option rights. These contracts or arrangements may also be entered into by the authority in connection with, or incidental to, entering into or maintaining any agreement which secures its bonds, notes or other obligations, subject to the terms and conditions thereof respecting outstanding obligations.
(b) Bonds issued by the authority may be payable in accordance with their terms, in whole or in part, in currency other than lawful money of the United States of America, provided that the authority enter into a currency swap or similar agreement for payments in lawful money of the United States of America, which covers the entire amount of the debt service payment obligation of the authority with respect to the bonds payable in other currency, and provided further, that if the term of that agreement is less than the term of the bonds, the authority shall include a best efforts covenant to enter into additional agreements as may be necessary to cover the entire amount of the debt service payment obligation.
(c) In connection with, or incidental to, the issuance or carrying of bonds, notes or other obligations or entering into any of the contracts or agreement referred to in subdivision (a), the authority may enter into credit enhancement or liquidity agreements, with payment, interest rate, currency, security, default, remedy and other terms and conditions as the authority determines;
(40) To develop a program to assist the residents of mobile manufactured home parks finance the purchase of the parks in which they live, including residents who have received notice pursuant to subsection (f) of section 21-70;
(41) To make, originate, administer, hold and service grants, deferred loans and loans and the security given therefor, and to perform such other functions as may be necessary and appropriate, with respect to the home ownership loan program established pursuant to sections 8-283 to 8-289, inclusive, or the private rental investment mortgage and equity program established pursuant to sections 8-400 to 8-406, inclusive; provided that not later than January 1, 1996, the authority shall adopt procedures for administration of such programs pursuant to section 1-121;
(42) To accept from the department:
(A) Financial assistance,
(B) revenues or the right to receive revenues with respect to any program under the supervision of the department, and
(C) loan assets or equity interests in connection with any program under the supervision of the department; to make advances to and reimburse the department for any expenses incurred or to be incurred by it in the delivery of such assistance, revenues, rights, assets, interests or amounts; to enter into agreements with the department for the delivery of services by the authority in consultation with the department and Connecticut Innovations, Incorporated, to third parties which agreements may include provisions for payment by the department to the authority for the delivery of such services; and to enter into agreements with the department or Connecticut Innovations, Incorporated, for the sharing of assistants, agents and other consultants, professionals and employees, and facilities and other real and personal property used in the conduct of the authority's affairs;
(43) To transfer to the department:
(A) Financial assistance;
(B) revenues or the right to receive revenues with respect to any program under the supervision of the authority; and
(C) loan assets, equity interests or financial participation in connection with any program under the supervision of the authority, provided the transfer of such financial assistance, revenues, rights, assets, interests or participation is determined by the authority to be practicable, within the constraints and not inconsistent with the fiduciary obligations of the authority imposed upon or established upon the authority by any provision of the general statutes, the authority's bond resolutions or any other agreement or contract of the authority and to have no adverse effect on the tax-exempt status of any bonds of the authority or the state;
(44) Provide assistance, in such form and subject to such conditions as the authority may determine, to a local housing authority or project sponsor in connection with a housing revitalization project undertaken pursuant to sections 34 to 38, inclusive, of public act 03-6 of the June 30 special session *;
(45) To develop and implement a program to purchase, and to fund the authority's purchase of, foreclosed residential real property in this state for the purpose of providing affordable and supportive housing, and to report, in accordance with section 11-4a, no later than January 1, 2009, on the program and plans for its implementation to the joint standing committees of the General Assembly having cognizance of matters relating to banks and planning and development, and to the select committee of the General Assembly having cognizance of matters relating to housing.

Conn. Gen. Stat. § 8-250

(1969, P.A. 795, S. 10; 1971, P.A. 840, S. 3; 1972, P.A. 208, S. 5; P.A. 74-104, S. 6-8, 12; P.A. 75-465, S. 2, 7; P.A. 76-13, S. 2, 3, 7; 76-118, S. 3, 6; P.A. 77-316, S. 1-4; P.A. 79-261; 79-578, S. 2, 3; 79-631, S. 21, 111; P.A. 81-271; P.A. 85-613, S. 88, 154; P.A. 86-367, S. 1, 2; 86-403, S. 18, 132; P.A. 87-436, S. 16, 17, 23; P.A. 93-33, S. 1, 4; 93-248, S. 2; 93-308, S. 2, 12; 93-435, S. 94, 95; P.A. 94-125, S. 1; P.A. 95-202, S. 6; 95-250, S. 9, 42; 95-309, S. 1, 11, 12; June 30 Sp. Sess. P.A. 03-6, S. 39; May Sp. Sess. P.A. 04-2, S. 91; P.A. 08-176, S. 4; P.A. 10-32, S. 19; June 12 Sp. Sess. P.A. 12-1, S. 153.)

*Note: Sections 34 to 38, inclusive, of public act 03-6 of the June 30 special session are special in nature and therefore have not been codified but remain in full force and effect according to their terms.

Amended by P.A. 12-0001, S. 153 of the Connecticut Acts of the 2012 Special Session, eff. 7/1/2012.
Amended by P.A. 10-0032, S. 19 of the February 2010 Regular Session, eff. 5/10/2010.

See Sec. 8-37jj re approval of electric resistance as primary heat source. See Sec. 8-37kk re preference to loans for energy efficient projects. See Sec. 31-3nn re mortgage crisis job training program.