Conn. Gen. Stat. § 54-56i

Current with legislation from the 2024 Regular and Special Sessions.
Section 54-56i - Pretrial drug education and community service program
(a) There is established a pretrial drug education and community service program for persons charged with a violation of section 21a-257, 21a-267, 21a-279, or 21a-279a. The pretrial drug education and community service program shall include a fifteen-session drug education program and a substance abuse treatment program of not less than fifteen sessions, and the performance of community service.
(b) Upon application by any such person for participation in such program, the court shall, but only as to the public, order the court file sealed, and such person shall pay to the court an application fee of one hundred dollars and a nonrefundable evaluation fee of one hundred fifty dollars, except as provided in subsection (l) of this section. A person shall be ineligible for participation in such pretrial drug education and community service program if such person has twice previously participated in (1) the pretrial drug education program established under the provisions of this section in effect prior to October 1, 2013, (2) the community service labor program established under section 53a-39c, (3) the pretrial drug education and community service program established under this section, or (4) any of such programs, except that the court may allow a person who has twice previously participated in such programs to participate in the pretrial drug education and community service program one additional time, for good cause shown. The evaluation and application fee imposed under this subsection shall be credited to the pretrial account established under section 54-56k.
(c) The court, after consideration of the recommendation of the state's attorney, assistant state's attorney or deputy assistant state's attorney in charge of the case, may, in its discretion, grant such application. If the court grants such application, the court shall refer such person (1) to the Court Support Services Division for confirmation of the eligibility of the applicant, (2) to the Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services for evaluation and determination of an appropriate drug education or substance abuse treatment program for the first or second time such application is granted, and (3) to a state-licensed substance abuse treatment program for evaluation and determination of an appropriate substance abuse treatment program for the third time such application is granted, except that, if such person is a veteran, the court may refer such person to the Department of Veterans Affairs or the United States Department of Veterans Affairs, as applicable, for any such evaluation and determination. For the purposes of this subsection and subsection (d) of this section, "veteran" has the same meaning as provided in section 27-103.
(A) Upon confirmation of eligibility and receipt of the evaluation and determination required under subsection (c) of this section, such person shall be placed in the pretrial drug education and community service program and referred by the Court Support Services Division for the purpose of receiving appropriate drug education services or substance abuse treatment program services, as recommended by the evaluation conducted pursuant to subsection (c) of this section and ordered by the court, to the Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services or to a state-licensed substance abuse treatment program for placement in the appropriate drug education or substance abuse treatment program, except that, if such person is a veteran, the division may refer such person to the Department of Veterans Affairs or the United States Department of Veterans Affairs, subject to the provisions of subdivision (2) of this subsection.
(B) Persons who have been granted entry into the pretrial drug education and community service program for the first time shall participate in either a fifteen-session drug education program or a substance abuse treatment program of not less than fifteen sessions, as ordered by the court on the basis of the evaluation and determination required under subsection (c) of this section. Persons who have been granted entry into the pretrial drug education and community service program for the second time shall participate in either a fifteen-session drug education program or a substance abuse treatment program of not less than fifteen sessions, as ordered by the court based on the evaluation and determination required under subsection (c) of this section. Persons who have been granted entry into the pretrial drug education and community service program for a third time shall be referred to a state-licensed substance abuse program for evaluation and participation in a course of treatment as ordered by the court based on the evaluation and determination required under subsection (c) of this section.
(C) Persons who have been granted entry into the pretrial drug education and community service program shall also participate in a community service program administered by the Court Support Services Division pursuant to section 53a-39c. Persons who have been granted entry into the pretrial drug education and community service program for the first time shall participate in the community service program for a period of five days. Persons who have been granted entry into the pretrial drug education and community service program for the second time shall participate in the community service program for a period of fifteen days. Persons who have been granted entry into the pretrial drug education and community service program for a third or additional time shall participate in the community service program for a period of thirty days.
(D) Placement in the pretrial drug education and community service program pursuant to this section shall not exceed one year. Persons receiving substance abuse treatment program services in accordance with the provisions of this section shall only receive such services at state-licensed substance abuse treatment program facilities that are in compliance with all state standards governing the operation of such facilities, except that, if such person is a veteran, such person may receive services from facilities under the supervision of the Department of Veterans Affairs or the United States Department of Veterans Affairs, subject to the provisions of subdivision (2) of this subsection.
(E) Any person who enters the pretrial drug education and community service program shall agree:
(i) To the tolling of the statute of limitations with respect to such crime;
(ii) to a waiver of such person's right to a speedy trial;
(iii) to complete participation in the pretrial drug education and community service program, as ordered by the court;
(iv) to commence participation in the pretrial drug education and community service program not later than ninety days after the date of entry of the court order unless granted a delayed entry into the program by the court; and
(v) upon completion of participation in the pretrial drug education and community service program, to accept (I) placement in a treatment program upon the recommendation of a provider under contract with the Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services or a provider under the supervision of the Department of Veterans Affairs or the United States Department of Veterans Affairs, or (II) placement in a treatment program that has standards substantially similar to, or higher than, a program of a provider under contract with the Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services, if the Court Support Services Division deems it appropriate.
(2) The Court Support Services Division may only refer a veteran to the Department of Veterans Affairs or the United States Department of Veterans Affairs for the receipt of services under the program if (A) the division determines that such services will be provided in a timely manner under standards substantially similar to, or higher than, standards for services provided by the Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services under the program, and (B) the applicable department agrees to submit timely program participation and completion reports to the division in the manner required by the division.
(e) If the Court Support Services Division informs the court that such person is ineligible for the program and the court makes a determination of ineligibility or if the program provider certifies to the court that such person did not successfully complete the assigned program and such person did not request, or the court denied, reinstatement in the program under subsection (i) of this section, the court shall order the court file to be unsealed, enter a plea of not guilty for such person and immediately place the case on the trial list.
(f) If such person satisfactorily completes the assigned program, such person may apply for dismissal of the charges against such person and the court, on reviewing the record of such person's participation in such program submitted by the Court Support Services Division and on finding such satisfactory completion, shall dismiss the charges. If such person does not apply for dismissal of the charges against such person after satisfactorily completing the assigned program, the court, upon receipt of the record of such person's participation in such program submitted by the Court Support Services Division, may on its own motion make a finding of such satisfactory completion and dismiss the charges. Upon motion of such person and a showing of good cause, the court may extend the placement period for a reasonable period of time to allow such person to complete the assigned program. A record of participation in such program shall be retained by the Court Support Services Division for a period of ten years from the date the court grants the application for participation in the program.
(g) At the time the court grants the application for participation in the pretrial drug education and community service program, any person ordered to participate in such drug education program shall pay to the court a nonrefundable program fee of six hundred dollars. If the court orders participation in a substance abuse treatment program, such person shall pay to the court a nonrefundable program fee of one hundred dollars and shall be responsible for the costs associated with such program. No person may be excluded from any such program for inability to pay such fee or cost, and the court shall waive any such fee or cost if such person is found eligible to have such fee or cost waived under subsection (l) of this section. If the court waives the costs for a substance abuse treatment program, the costs of such program shall be paid from the pretrial account established under section 54-56k. If the court denies the application, such person shall not be required to pay the program fee. If the court grants the application, and such person is later determined to be ineligible for participation in such pretrial drug education and community service program or fails to complete the assigned program, the program fee shall not be refunded. All program fees shall be credited to the pretrial account established under section 54-56k.
(h) If a person returns to court with certification from a program provider that such person did not successfully complete the assigned program or is no longer amenable to treatment, the provider, to the extent practicable, shall include a recommendation to the court as to whether placement in a drug education program or placement in a substance abuse treatment program would best serve such person's needs. The provider shall also indicate whether the current program referral was an initial referral or a reinstatement to the program.
(i) When a person subsequently requests reinstatement into a drug education program or a substance abuse treatment program and the Court Support Services Division verifies that such person is eligible for reinstatement into such program and thereafter the court favorably acts on such request, any person reinstated into such drug education program shall pay a nonrefundable program fee of two hundred fifty dollars, and any person reinstated into a substance abuse treatment program shall be responsible for the costs, if any, associated with being reinstated into the treatment program, unless such person is found eligible to have such fee or costs waived under subsection (l) of this section. All program fees collected in connection with a reinstatement to a drug education program shall be credited to the pretrial account established under section 54-56k. No person shall be permitted more than two program reinstatements pursuant to this subsection.
(j) The Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services shall develop standards and oversee appropriate drug education programs that it administers to meet the requirements of this section and may contract with service providers to provide such programs. The department shall adopt regulations, in accordance with chapter 54, to establish standards for such drug education programs.
(k) Any person whose employment or residence or schooling makes it unreasonable to attend a drug education program or substance abuse treatment program in this state may attend a program in another state that has standards similar to, or higher than, those of this state, subject to the approval of the court and payment of the program fee or costs as provided in this section.
(l) The court shall waive any fee or cost under subsection (b), (g) or (i) of this section for any person who (1) files with the court an affidavit of indigency or inability to pay, has such indigency confirmed by the Court Support Services Division and the court enters a finding thereof, or (2) has been determined indigent and eligible for representation by a public defender who has been appointed on behalf of such person pursuant to section 51-296. The court shall not require a person to perform community service in lieu of payment of such fee or cost, if such fee or cost is waived.
(m) A court may not grant an application to participate in the pretrial drug education and community service program under this section on or after April 1, 2022. Anyone participating in the program on April 1, 2022, may continue such participation until successful completion of the program or termination of participation in the program after any possible reinstatements in the program.

Conn. Gen. Stat. § 54-56i

( P.A. 97-248, S. 7, 12; June 18 Sp. Sess. P.A. 97-8, S. 76, 88; P.A. 99-148, S. 1, 4; 99-215, S. 21, 29; June Sp. Sess. P.A. 01-8, S. 10, 13; P.A. 02-132, S. 36; P.A. 07-148, S. 17; Sept. Sp. Sess. P.A. 09-3, S. 55; P.A. 10-18, S. 25, 26; 10-30, S. 2; P.A. 12-42, S. 3; P.A. 13-159, S. 1; P.A. 14-56, S. 4; 14-173, S. 6 -8; P.A. 15-211, S. 12; P.A. 16-167, S. 45.)

Amended by P.A. 21-0102,S. 14 of the Connecticut Acts of the 2021 Regular Session, eff. 10/1/2021.
Amended by P.A. 21-0079,S. 43 of the Connecticut Acts of the 2021 Regular Session, eff. 10/1/2021.
Amended by P.A. 21-0040,S. 53 of the Connecticut Acts of the 2021 Regular Session, eff. 10/1/2021.
Amended by P.A. 21-0001,S. 169 of the Connecticut Acts of the 2021 Special Session, eff. 6/22/2021.
Amended by P.A. 19-0151,S. 5 of the Connecticut Acts of the 2019 Regular Session, eff. 7/8/2019.
Amended by P.A. 16-0167, S. 45 of the Connecticut Acts of the 2016 Regular Session, eff. 7/1/2016.
Amended by P.A. 15-0211, S. 12 of the Connecticut Acts of the 2015 Regular Session, eff. 10/1/2015.
Amended by P.A. 14-0173, S. 8 of the Connecticut Acts of the 2014 Regular Session, eff. 10/1/2014.
Amended by P.A. 14-0173, S. 7 of the Connecticut Acts of the 2014 Regular Session, eff. 10/1/2014.
Amended by P.A. 14-0173, S. 6 of the Connecticut Acts of the 2014 Regular Session, eff. 10/1/2014.
Amended by P.A. 14-0056, S. 4 of the Connecticut Acts of the 2014 Regular Session, eff. 5/23/2014.