Conn. Gen. Stat. § 47-74a

Current with legislation from the 2024 Regular and Special Sessions.
Section 47-74a - Board of directors of unit owners association. Election by unit owners other than declarant; when. Declarant to relinquish control; when
(a) When unit owners other than the declarant own more than one-third of the units in the condominium, they shall be entitled to elect not less than one-third of the members of the board of directors of the unit owners' association. Unit owners other than the declarant shall elect not less than a majority of the members of the board of directors of the unit owners' association not later than five years after the date of the recording of the original declaration, and, prior to the expiration of such five-year period, shall be entitled to elect not less than a majority of the members of the board of directors upon the happening of the earlier of the following two events:
(1) Sale by declarant of sixty per cent of the units in the condominium, or
(2) completion of seventy-five per cent of the units in the condominium, with some such units having been sold, but no more than six units having been sold in the six-month period preceding the call for an election pursuant to subsection (b) of this section. As used in this subsection, "units in the condominium" means the aggregate of the units shown in the survey and plans filed with the original declaration pursuant to section 47-71 and the units shown in the survey and plans filed with any amendment to the declaration covering additional lands added to the condominium property, prior to the date on which the requisite proportion of units is attained. The declarant shall be entitled to designate not less than one member of the board of directors of the unit owners' association so long as he holds for sale in the ordinary course of business ten per cent or more of the units in such condominium.
(b) At any time after unit owners other than the declarant are entitled to elect a member or members of the board of directors of an association, the association shall call and give not less than thirty nor more than forty days notice of a meeting of the unit owners for this purpose. Such meeting may be called and the notice given by any unit owner if the association fails to do so.
(c) So long as the declarant owns ten per cent or more of the units in the condominium for sale in the ordinary course of business, no action may be taken by the association that would be detrimental to the sales of units by the declarant without written agreement thereto by the declarant; provided that an increase in assessments for common expenses or imposition of any special assessment without discrimination against the declarant shall not be deemed to be detrimental to the sale of units.
(d) Within thirty days after unit owners other than the declarant elect a majority of the members of the board of directors of an association, the declarant shall relinquish control of the association and shall deliver to the association all property of the unit owners and of the association held by or controlled by the declarant, including without limitation the following items, as to each condominium operated by the association:
(1) The original or a certified copy or a photocopy of the recorded condominium declaration, provided if a photocopy is delivered, such photocopy shall reflect the recording information and shall be certified by an affidavit executed by the declarant as a true and complete copy of the actual recorded declaration; the association articles of incorporation, if it be an incorporated association; bylaws; minute books and other books and records of the association, if any; and any house rules and regulations which may have been promulgated;
(2) resignations of officers and members of the board of directors who may be required to resign by reason of the requirement that the declarant relinquish control of the association;
(3) an accounting or accountings for association funds. Such accounting or accountings shall have been audited by an independent certified public accountant. The declarant shall be liable to the association for all funds of the association that are not properly expended and which were collected during the period of time that the declarant controlled the board of directors of the association;
(4) association funds or control thereof;
(5) all of declarant's tangible personal property that has been represented by the declarant in brochures or other writings to be a part of the common elements, or that is necessary for, and has been used exclusively in, the operation and enjoyment of the common elements, or that is property of the association, and inventories of these properties;
(6) a copy of the plans and specifications utilized in the construction of the improvements and the supplying of equipment to the condominium and for the construction and installation of all mechanical components serving the improvements and the site, in condominiums for which building permits have been issued after January 1, 1977, with respect to such buildings together with a certificate in affidavit form of the declarant that such plans and specifications are substantially to the best of the knowledge, information and belief of the declarant, the actual plans and specifications utilized in and about the construction and improvement of the condominium property and for the construction and installation of the mechanical components thereof and a certificate or certificates in affidavit form of one or more architects or engineers authorized to practice in the state that the plans and specifications referred to in each such certificate represent to the best of the knowledge, information and belief of each such architect or engineer the actual plans and specifications utilized in and about the construction and improvement of the condominium property and for the construction and installation of the mechanical components thereof, or of the portions of such condominium property or mechanical components described in each certificate. The declarant's certificate shall also state that the one or more architect's or engineer's certificates cover all of such plans and specifications. In the event that the construction of the improvements shall have been completed more than three years before the property shall have been declared a condominium, then the requirements of this subdivision shall not apply. If, however, the improvements on the condominium property submitted to condominium ownership shall have been substantially rehabilitated, renovated or remodeled within three years prior to the recording of the condominium declaration, then the requirements of this subdivision shall apply to the plans and specifications used in connection with such work;
(7) all insurance policies then in force, in which the unit owners, the association, or its directors and officers are the named assured;
(8) copies of any certificates of occupancy which may have been issued with respect to any improvements comprising the condominium;
(9) any other permits issued by governmental bodies applicable to the condominium property and which are currently in force or which were issued within one year prior to the date on which unit owners other than the declarant took control of the association;
(10) written warranties of the contractor, subcontractors, suppliers and manufacturers that are still effective;
(11) a roster of unit owners and mortgagees and their addresses and telephone numbers, if known, as shown on the declarant's records;
(12) employment contracts in which the association is or is to be one of the contracting parties;
(13) service contract in which the association is or is to be one of the contracting parties or service contract in which the association or the unit owners have directly or indirectly an obligation or responsibility to pay some or all of the fee or charge of the person or persons performing the services;
(14) one or more architect's or engineer's certificates certifying to the best of the knowledge, information and belief of each such architect or engineer that the portions of the common elements, for which building permits have been issued after January 1, 1977, referred to in each such certificate have been constructed substantially in accordance with the plans and specifications therefor and a certificate of the declarant that the one or more architect's or engineer's certificates delivered cover all common elements described in such plans and specifications, and that the common elements have been constructed substantially in accordance with the plans and specifications for which such certificates are required and the representations with regard thereto made by the declarant in the disclosures required by this chapter;
(15) the requirements of subdivisions (6) and (14) of this subsection shall not apply to condominium property constructed prior to January 1, 1977.

Conn. Gen. Stat. § 47-74a

(P.A. 76-308, S. 21, 36; P.A. 77-453, S. 2, 7; P.A. 14-122, S. 186.)

Amended by P.A. 14-0122, S. 186 of the Connecticut Acts of the 2014 Regular Session, eff. 10/1/2014.

Cited. 210 C. 6.