Del. Code tit. 14 § 4148

Current through 2024 Legislative Session Act Chapter 364
Section 4148 - Educational equity council
(a) The Educational Equity Council (Council) is formed for the purpose of providing input and oversight into the Education Equity Ombudsperson Program (Program) and to study and recommend solutions to ongoing or systemic equity problems.
(b) The Council is composed of the following voting members:
(1) One family member representative nominated by the chair of the Governor's Advisory Council on Exceptional Citizens and appointed by the Chair of the House Education Committee.
(2) One member of the Delaware Hispanic Commission, nominated by the Delaware Hispanic Commission and appointed by the Governor.
(3) Two parents of children who attend Title I schools, nominated by not-for-profit community organizations engaged in education issues, and appointed by the Chair of the House Education Committee.
(4) One community representative nominated by not-for-profit community organizations engaged in education equity issues and appointed by the Chair of the Senate Education Committee.
(5) Two educators nominated by the Delaware State Education Association and appointed by the Chair of the House Education Committee, each of which meets at least one of the following criteria:
a. Has 1 or more children who are members of a class protected from discrimination under Delaware and Federal laws and regulations.
b. Was as a child educated for a minimum of 6 years in a Delaware Title I school or was a child with a disability or whose first language was not English.
c. Is currently a classroom educator in a Title I school or is special education certified classroom teacher or is an English language classroom educator specializing in teaching students whose first language is not English.
(6) Three members nominated by the NAACP Delaware State Conference of Branches, 1 from each county, and appointed by the Chair of the Senate Education Committee.
(7) The Secretary of State, or the Secretary's designee.
(8) Two members of the House of Representatives, 1 from the majority party and 1 from the minority party, appointed by the Speaker of the House.
(9) Two members of the Senate, 1 from the majority party and 1 from the minority party, appointed by the President Pro Tempore.
(10) A member of the Delaware Association of School Administrators, nominated by the Delaware Association of School Administrators and appointed by the Governor.
(11) A member of a school board appointed by the Chair of the Senate Education Committee.
(c) The Council is additionally composed of the following non-voting members:
(1) A member of the Delaware State Education Association, appointed by the Chair of the House Education Committee.
(2) One school or district administrator of Title I programs nominated by the Delaware Association of School Administrators and appointed by the Chair of the Senate Education Committee.
(3) One school or district administrator of Title III programs nominated by the Delaware Association of School Administrators and appointed by the Chair of the House Education Committee.
(4) One school or district administrator of programs for students with disabilities nominated by the Delaware Association of School Administrators and appointed by the Chair of the Senate Education Committee.
(5) The Secretary of Education, or the Secretary's designee.
(6) One school district Chief Financial Officer nominated by the Delaware Association of School Business officers and appointed by the Chair of the House Education Committee.
(8) A member of the Delaware Chief School Officers Association appointed by the Governor.
(9) A charter school leader appointed by the Governor.
(d) The public members of the Council shall serve for terms of 3 years; provided, however, that the initial terms may be of lengths of 1, 2, or 3 years in order to stagger the terms. A member appointed to the Council may continue to serve until such time as the member's replacement has been appointed or the member's term renewed. A member may serve no more than 2 consecutive terms, and then must be off of the Council for at least 3 years prior to being eligible for reappointment.
(e) The Secretary of State, or the Secretary's designee, shall serve as the temporary chair of the Council and shall do all of the following:
(1) Set a date, time, and place for the initial organizational meeting.
(2) Notifying the individuals who are members of the Council of the formation of the Council and notifying those persons who are responsible for nominating or appointing a member.
(f) At the first meeting of the Council, the members shall elect a chair from among the voting members.
(g) The Department of State shall provide administrative support to the Council.
(h) The duties of the Council are as follows:
(1) To work with the Department of State to annually develop a request for proposal or renewal for the Program.
(2) To approve the awarding of the contract for the Program. The Council may appoint a subcommittee to review and consult with the Department of State on the award of the contract for the Program.
(3) To meet at least twice each year to review the operation and effectiveness of the Program.
(4) To provide recommendations to the Program to improve its effectiveness.
(5) To provide recommendations to the General Assembly and the Department of Education to improve equity in the public educational system.
(i) The Council may request, and the Department of Education shall provide, or work with districts and charters to provide, global data that is relevant to student equity. The provision of such data must comply with the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act, 20 U.S.C. § 1232g; 34 C.F.R Part 99.

14 Del. C. § 4148

Added by Laws 2023 , ch. 200, s 1, eff. 9/11/2023.