All provisions of this chapter not inconsistent with this subdivision shall be applicable to absentee ballots prepared for counting by a ballot scanner or by hand. The instructions for marking an absentee ballot shall be provided and shall be substantially as follows, so that they accurately reflect the ballot layout:
Mark the (insert "oval" or "square") to the left of the name of your choice. (Provide illustration of correctly-marked voting position here.) To vote for a candidate whose name is not printed on the ballot, (insert "mark the oval (or square) to the left of 'write-in' and print the name clearly" or "print the name clearly in the box labeled 'write-in'"), staying within the box. Any mark or writing outside the spaces provided for voting may void the entire ballot. You have a right to a replacement ballot. If you make a mistake or want to change your vote, call the board of elections at (insert phone number here) for instructions on how to obtain a new ballot. The number of choices is listed for each contest. Do not mark the ballot for more candidates than allowed. If you do, your vote in that contest will not count.
The determination of the appropriate county board of elections as to the candidates duly designated or nominated for public office or party position whose name shall appear on the absentee ballot and as to ballot proposals to be voted on shall be made no later than the day after the state board of elections issues its certification of those candidates to be voted for at the general, special or primary election. The determinations of the state board of elections and the respective county boards of elections shall be final and conclusive with respect to such offices for which petitions or certificates are required to be filed with such boards, as the case may be but nothing herein contained shall prevent a board of elections, or a court of competent jurisdiction from determining at a later date that any such certification, designation or nomination is invalid and, in the event of such later determination, no vote cast for any such nominee by any voter shall be counted at the election.
........., 20.....
Name of voter.........................................
Residence (street and number if any)..................
City/or town of.......(village, if any)...............
County of.............................................
Assembly district ....................................
Legislative District (as applicable) .................
Ward (as applicable) .................................
Election District.....................................
Party Enrollment (in case of primary election)........
I do declare that I am a citizen of the United States, that I am duly registered in the election district shown on the reverse side of this envelope and I am qualified to vote in such district; that I will be unable to appear personally on the day of the election for which this ballot is voted at the polling place of the election district in which I am a qualified voter because of the reason given on my application heretofore submitted; that I have not qualified nor do I intend to vote elsewhere, that I have not committed any act nor am I under any impediment which denies me the right to vote.
I hereby declare that the foregoing is a true statement to the best of my knowledge and belief, and I understand that if I make any material false statement in the foregoing statement of absentee voter, I shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.
Date.................20..... .....................................
Signature or mark of voter
Signature of Witness (required only if voter does not sign his or her own name)
Address of Witness
N.Y. Elec. Law § 7-122