Colo. Rev. Stat. § 24-47.5-102

Current through Chapter 492 of the 2024 Legislative Session
Section 24-47.5-102 - Colorado energy research authority - powers and duties
(1) Except as otherwise limited by this article, the authority, acting through the board, has the power:
(a) To have the duties, privileges, immunities, rights, liabilities, and disabilities of a body corporate and political subdivision of the state;
(b) To sue and be sued;
(c) To have an official seal and to alter the same at the board's pleasure;
(d) To make and alter bylaws for its organization and internal management and for the conduct of its affairs and business;
(e) To maintain an office at such place or places within the state as it may determine;
(f) To acquire, hold, use, and dispose of its income, revenues, funds, and moneys;
(g) To make and enter into all contracts, leases, and agreements that are necessary or incidental to the performance of its duties and the exercise of its powers under this article;
(h) To deposit any moneys of the authority in any banking institution within or outside the state;
(i) To fix the time and place or places at which its regular and special meetings are to be held; and
(j) To do any and all things necessary or convenient to carry out its purposes and exercise the powers given and granted in this article.
(1.5) The authority shall direct the allocation of state matching funds to the extent required to support one or more activities or proposals of the Colorado energy research collaboratory, which consists of the Colorado school of mines, Colorado state university, university of Colorado at Boulder, and the national renewable energy laboratory, and which is referred to in this article as the "collaboratory", for federal energy research funding and energy-related research funding from federal agencies and other public and private entities.
(2) The authority may:
(a) Promote the activities of the collaboratory in order to increase the federal energy research funding and energy-related research funding;
(b) Promote rapid transfer of new technologies developed by the collaboratory to the private sector to attract and promote clean energy businesses in Colorado;
(c) Develop educational and research programs for Colorado state colleges in collaboration with the collaboratory that will translate into high-technology employment opportunities for Colorado students and residents;
(d) Become a regional resource and clearing house for clean energy information, to be available to the general public and to engineering, architectural, and design professionals. The authority shall not construct a headquarters or other building for its own use.
(e) Support development of the collaboratory, including funding of any joint institute or other entity created by the Colorado school of mines, Colorado state university, and university of Colorado at Boulder or the collaboratory to jointly pursue clean energy research.
(3) On or before September 1, 2014, and each September 1 thereafter, the authority shall submit a report to the Colorado office of economic development summarizing the energy research projects that received funding under this article in the preceding calendar year. At a minimum, the report shall specify the following information:
(a) A description of each project that received funding under this article, including the amount of the funding, and the principal persons or entities involved in the project;
(b) The total amount of moneys that the authority allocated for all projects;
(c) The results achieved by the project, including intellectual property, licensing and commercialization activities, and any other economic benefits to the state; and
(d) The total amount of federal and private funds that were received by projects that received funding under this article.
(4) (Deleted by amendment, L. 2008, p. 383, § 3, effective April 10, 2008.)

C.R.S. § 24-47.5-102

Amended by 2014 Ch. 217, § 2, eff. 5/16/2014.
L. 2006: Entire article added, p. 1740, § 2, effective June 6. L. 2008: (2)(b), (3)(c), and (4) amended, p. 383, § 3, effective April 10. L. 2014: (1.5) added and (2) and (3) amended, (SB 14-011), ch. 217, p. 814, § 2, effective May 16.

For the legislative declaration contained in the 2008 act amending subsections (2)(b), (3)(c), and (4), see section 1 of chapter 125, Session Laws of Colorado 2008.