S.C. Code § 50-11-1070
Former Section 50-11-1070 was entitled "Authority to kill bobcats without license" and was derived from former Section 50-11-420 (1962 Code Section 28-440; 1952 Code Section 28-440; 1942 Code Section 1782-7; 1932 Code Section 1751; Cr. C. °22 Section 733; 1919 (31) 269; 1920 (31) 732; 1921 (32) 224, 233; 1924 (33) 1152; 1927 (35) 372; 1928 (35) 1217; 1930 (36) 1740, 2122; 1952 (47) 2179); 1988 Act No. 561, Section 1; 1993 Act No. 181, Section 1262.