S.C. Code § 44-56-60

Current through 2024 Act No. 225.
Section 44-56-60 - Annual evaluation; permit requirements; disposal limits; preference for in-state generated waste

For the validity of (a), see Editors' Notes below.

(1) In order to provide the General Assembly with the information it needs to accomplish the above goals, the Department of Health and Environmental Control shall evaluate annually the effects of new and existing waste management technologies, alternate methods of storage or disposal, recycling, incineration, waste minimization laws and practices, and other factors that tend to reduce the volume of hazardous waste. The results of the department's evaluation must be reported to the General Assembly not later than February first of each year, beginning in 1991, in a form that will permit the General Assembly to determine whether or not hazardous waste landfill capacity in this State should be reduced.
(2) No person may construct, substantially alter, or operate a hazardous waste treatment, storage, or disposal facility or site, nor may a person transport, store, treat, or dispose of hazardous waste without first obtaining a permit from the department for the facility, site, or activity. Beginning July 1, 1990, permitted hazardous waste disposal sites are restricted to a rate of land disposal by burial not to exceed one hundred twenty thousand tons of hazardous waste for the twelve-month period ending July 1, 1991. On July 1, 1991, permitted hazardous waste disposal sites are restricted to a rate of land disposal by burial not to exceed one hundred ten thousand tons of hazardous waste for each twelve-month period thereafter within the permitted area of the site.
(3) During a twelve-month period, the commissioner may allow land disposal by burial in excess of the limitation upon certification of the department that:
(A) disposal by land burial from a particular site in South Carolina is necessary to protect the health and safety of the people of this State; or
(B) at least one hundred ten thousand tons of hazardous waste disposed of by land burial in this State during the twelve-month period was generated in South Carolina.

During each twelve-month period, a person operating a hazardous waste disposal facility or site shall reserve at least the same capacity to dispose of hazardous waste generated in South Carolina that was disposed of by burial at that facility or site during the previous year excluding capacity that was used to dispose of hazardous waste pursuant to subitem (A). No more hazardous waste from out of state shall be buried in South Carolina than was buried in the previous twelve-month period.

Certification must be issued to the party seeking to use land disposal of the waste, and the certification must be presented to the operator of the facility at the time of disposal. The facility shall submit this certification with its regular report to the department of permitted activity at the disposal site.

(b) Any person who:
1. Owns or operates a facility required to have a permit under this section which facility is in existence on the effective date of this section;
2. Has complied with the requirements of Section 44-56-120; and
3. Has made an application for a permit under this section is deemed to have been issued the permit until such time as final administrative disposition of each application is made by the department, unless final administrative disposition of each application has not been made because of the failure of the applicant to furnish information reasonably required or requested in order to process the application.
(c) Before issuance of a permit, the Department shall require:
1. Evidence of liability coverage for sudden and nonsudden accidental occurrences in an amount the Department may determine necessary for the protection of the public health and safety, and the environment;
2. Evidence of financial assurance in the form and amount as the Department may determine to be necessary to ensure that, upon abandonment, cessation, or interruption of the operation of a facility or site, all appropriate measures are taken to prevent present and future damage to the public health and safety and to the environment. The Department shall assume continuing responsibility for environmental monitoring and for any response actions necessary to ensure the health and safety of the state's citizens for any hazardous waste disposal or treatment sites permitted under this chapter when the facilities, sites, or activities close and all responsibilities required of any other party by any state or federal law or regulation cease. The Department's responsibility for monitoring and response action is neither a limitation nor a termination of the liability of generators, transporters, or the operators of the facility under any provision of law or at common law.
3. Evidence of other financial assurance in such forms and amounts as the department determines to be necessary to ensure the adequate availability of funds for clean-up costs and restoration of environmental impairment arising from the facility.

S.C. Code § 44-56-60

1990 Act No. 590, Section 2; 1989 Act No. 196, Section 6; 1985 Act No. 140, Section 5; 1984 Act No. 397, Section 4; 1983 Act No. 151 Part II Section 31C; 1978 Act No. 436 Section 4.

The text of (a), prior to the amendment by 1990 Act No. 590, Section 2, read as follows:

"(a) No person shall construct, substantially alter, or operate any hazardous waste treatment, storage, or disposal facility or site, nor shall any person transport, store, treat, or dispose of any hazardous waste without first obtaining a permit from the department for the facility, site, or activity, Beginning on July 1, 1985, permitted hazardous waste disposal sites are restricted to a rate of land disposal by burial not to exceed one hundred thirty-five thousand tons of hazardous waste for each twelve-month period thereafter within the permitted area of the site. Provided, however, that the Commissioner may allow burial of waste in excess of that year's limitation, upon certification that disposal, by land burial from a particular site, is necessary to protect the health and safety of the people of this State.

"Certification must be issued to the party seeking to use land disposal of the waste, and the certification must be presented to the operator of the facility at the time of disposal. The facility shall submit this certification with its regular report to the department of permitted activity at the disposal site."