S.C. Code § 44-56-160

Current through 2024 Act No. 225.
Section 44-56-160 - Hazardous Waste Contingency Fund; disposition of fees collected and earnings and interest
(A) The Department of Health and Environmental Control is directed to establish a Hazardous Waste Contingency Fund to ensure the availability of funds for response actions necessary at permitted hazardous waste landfills and necessary from accidents in the transportation of hazardous materials and to defray the costs of governmental response actions at uncontrolled hazardous waste sites. The contingency fund must be financed through the imposition of fees provided in Sections 44-56-170 and 44-56-510 and annual appropriations which must be provided by the General Assembly.
(B) Of the fees collected pursuant to Section 44-56-170(C), (D), and (E), and credited to the contingency fund pursuant to Section 44-56-175:
(1) thirteen percent must be held separate and distinct within the fund in a permitted site fund for the purpose of response actions arising from the operation of the permitted land disposal facilities in this State;
(2) sixty-two percent must be held separate and distinct within the fund to defray the costs of governmental response actions at uncontrolled hazardous waste sites and for the purpose of response actions arising from accidents occurring within the State in the transportation of hazardous materials;
(3) five percent must be used to fund hazardous waste reduction and minimization activities of the department pursuant to Section 44-56-165;
(4) eighteen percent must be remitted to and expended by the Hazardous Waste Management Research Fund in accordance with Section 44-56-810;
(5) two percent must be returned to the governing body of a county in which a permitted commercial land disposal facility is located.
(C) From the fees imposed by Section 44-56-170(C) and (E) and credited to permitted sites pursuant to subsection (B), twenty-seven percent must be held separate and distinct within the fund for the purpose of being returned to the governing body of a county in which a permitted commercial land disposal facility is located. The funds returned to a county pursuant to this subsection or subsection (B) must be used by the local law enforcement, fire, health care, and emergency units to provide protection, assistance, and emergency preparedness for any contingency which might arise from the transportation and disposal site within the county. The county governing body, shall distribute the funds in an equitable manner to the involved local units including, but not limited to, municipalities and special purpose districts, as well as county entities. The State Treasurer shall disburse the funds quarterly to counties which contain commercial hazardous waste land disposal sites.
(D) From the fees imposed by Section 44-56-170(C) and (E) and credited to uncontrolled sites and transportation accidents pursuant to subsection (B), five percent must be returned to and used by the governing body of the Town of Pinewood to fund the Pinewood Hazardous Waste Contingency Fund as established in Section 44-56-163.
(E) All fees collected pursuant to Section 44-56-170(D) must be credited to the fund for uncontrolled sites and transportation accidents.
(F) Of the fees collected pursuant to Section 44-56-510 and credited to the contingency fund pursuant to Section 44-56-175:
(1) twenty-six percent must be credited to the fund for permitted sites; and
(2) seventy-four percent must be credited to the fund for uncontrolled sites and transportation accidents.
(G) Any interest accruing from the management of the funds held pursuant to this section must be credited to the Hazardous Waste Contingency Fund and is authorized for expenditure by the department to defray costs of governmental response actions at uncontrolled hazardous waste sites and for the purpose of response actions incidental to the transportation of hazardous materials, except earnings on the permitted site fund which must be credited to that fund, and earnings on the Pinewood Hazardous Waste Contingency Fund must be credited to that fund.

S.C. Code § 44-56-160

2008 Act No. 353, Section 2, Pt 5D, eff 7/1/2009; 1992 Act No. 501, Part II Section 18A; 1989 Act No. 196, Section 7; 1987 Act No. 170, Part II, Section 29; 1985 Act No. 140, Section 6; 1983 Act No. 151 Part II Section 31E; 1980 Act No. 517 Part II, Section 15A.