S.C. Code § 43-35-45

Current through 2024 Act No. 225.
Section 43-35-45 - Warrant from family court to permit investigation of report; order for protective services; appointment of guardian and attorney; evaluation; hearing; review; semiannual reevaluation; payment for services
(A) In investigating a report if consent cannot be obtained for access to the vulnerable adult or the premises, the investigative entity may seek a warrant from the family court to enter and inspect and photograph the premises and the condition of the vulnerable adult. The court shall issue a warrant upon a showing of probable cause that the vulnerable adult has been abused, neglected, or exploited or is at risk of abuse, neglect, or exploitation.
(B) At any time during or subsequent to an investigation where a vulnerable adult is at substantial risk to be or has been abused, neglected, or exploited and consent to provide services cannot be obtained, the Adult Protective Services Program may petition the family court for an order to provide protective services. In those cases requiring emergency protective services or emergency removal of the vulnerable adult from the place the adult is located or residing, the Adult Protective Services Program may seek ex parte relief. The court may expedite the ex parte proceeding to any extent necessary to protect the vulnerable adult. The family court may order ex parte that the vulnerable adult be taken into emergency protective custody without the consent of the vulnerable adult or the guardian or others exercising temporary or permanent control over the vulnerable adult, if the court determines there is probable cause to believe that by reason of abuse or neglect there exists an imminent danger to the vulnerable adult's life or physical safety. The court also may order emergency services or other relief as necessary to protect the vulnerable adult.
(C) Within ten days following the filing of a petition pursuant to this section, the court shall appoint a guardian ad litem and an attorney for the vulnerable adult and an attorney for a lay guardian ad litem. A party may move to have the guardian ad litem relieved of his or her services if the party demonstrates that the vulnerable adult has the capacity to assist counsel in the protective services case. Within forty days of the filing of a petition, the court shall hold a hearing on the merits.
(D) Before the hearing on the merits the Adult Protective Services Program must conduct a comprehensive evaluation of the vulnerable adult. The evaluation must include, but is not limited to:
(1) the vulnerable adult's current address and with whom the vulnerable adult is residing;
(2) a list of all persons or agencies currently providing services to the vulnerable adult and the nature of these services;
(3) a summary of services, if any, provided to the vulnerable adult by the Adult Protective Services Program;
(4) if needed, a medical, psychological, social, vocational, or educational evaluation;
(5) recommendations for protective services which would serve the best interests of the vulnerable adult; however, when these services are to be provided by another state agency, these recommendations must be developed in consultation with the other agency.

A copy of the evaluation must be provided to the court, the guardian ad litem, and the attorney at least five working days before the hearing on the merits. Reasonable expenses incurred for evaluations required by this subsection must be paid by the Adult Protective Services Program which must seek reimbursement for these evaluations, where possible.

(E) At the hearing on the merits, the court may order the Adult Protective Services Program to provide protective services if it finds that:
(1) the vulnerable adult is at substantial risk of being or has been abused, neglected, or exploited and the vulnerable adult is unable to protect herself or himself; and
(2) protective services are necessary to protect the vulnerable adult from the substantial risk of or from abuse, neglect, or exploitation.
(F) Protective services ordered pursuant to this section must be provided in the least restrictive setting available and appropriate for the vulnerable adult and noninstitutional placement must be used whenever possible. Subsequently, if commitment to a treatment facility is required, the Adult Protective Services Program may initiate commitment proceedings.
(G) Any interested person, on behalf of the vulnerable adult, may file a motion for review of the court order issued pursuant to this section.
(H) Following a court order from the merits hearing to provide protective services to a vulnerable adult, the Adult Protective Services Program, at least every six months, must evaluate the vulnerable adult and submit a written report to the court, and any other parties required by the court, regarding the vulnerable adult's need for continued protective services as defined in this chapter.
(I) If the court determines that the vulnerable adult is financially capable of paying for services ordered pursuant to this section, then payment by or from the financial resources of the vulnerable adult may be ordered.
(J) In an action for exploitation or in which payment for protective services is in issue, upon its own motion or a motion of any party, the court may order that the vulnerable adult's financial records be made available on a certain day and time for inspection by the parties.
(K) Expenses incurred by the Adult Protective Services Program on behalf of a vulnerable adult that have not been reimbursed at the time of the vulnerable adult's death become a claim against the estate of the vulnerable adult.
(L) Payments for which a vulnerable adult is responsible or for which the Adult Protective Services Program is to be reimbursed only include payments to third parties and do not include personnel or operating expenses of the Adult Protective Services Program.

S.C. Code § 43-35-45

Amended by 2014 S.C. Acts, Act No. 162 (SB 764), s 2, eff. 5/16/2014.
1993 Act No. 110, Section 1, eff three months after June 11, 1993.