S.C. Code § 23-3-640

Current through 2024 Act No. 225.
Section 23-3-640 - Specifications, procedures, and equipment; use of DNA profiles; disposition of samples
(A) Samples must be taken and submitted to SLED pursuant to specifications and procedures developed by SLED in regulation. SLED must conduct DNA identification testing, typing, and analysis in accordance with regulations promulgated by the State Law Enforcement Division on samples received for the purpose of developing a DNA profile, and SLED must use procedures, equipment, supplies, and computer software that are compatible with those used by the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
(B) The DNA profile on a sample may be used:
(1) to develop a convicted offender database to identify suspects in otherwise nonsuspect cases;
(2) to develop a population database when personal identifying information is removed;
(3) to support identification research and protocol development of forensic DNA analysis methods;
(4) to generate investigative leads in criminal investigations;
(5) for quality control or quality assurance purposes, or both;
(6) to assist in the recovery and identification of human remains from mass disasters;
(7) for other humanitarian purposes including identification of missing persons.
(C) The disposition of all samples obtained pursuant to this article is at the discretion of SLED.
(D) SLED must securely store DNA samples. The samples are confidential and must remain in the custody of SLED or a private laboratory designated by SLED if the laboratory's standards for confidentiality and security are at least as stringent as those of SLED.

S.C. Code § 23-3-640

2004 Act No. 230, Section 3; 1994 Act No. 497, Part II, Section 131A.