Class 1: All cities with a population of 300,000 inhabitants or more;
Class 2: All cities with a population of not less than 175,000 and not more than 299,999 inhabitants;
Class 3: All cities with a population of not less than 100,000 and not more than 174,999 inhabitants;
Class 4: All cities with a population of not less than 50,000 and not more than 99,999 inhabitants;
Class 5: All cities with a population of not less than 25,000 and not more than 49,999 inhabitants;
Class 6: All cities with a population of not less than 12,000 and not more than 24,999 inhabitants;
Class 7: All cities with a population of not less than 6,000 and not more than 11,999 inhabitants;
Class 8: All cities and towns with a population of 5,999 inhabitants or less.
Ala. Code § 11-40-12 (1975)