Cal. Welf. and Inst. Code § 1995

Current through the 2024 Legislative Session.
Section 1995 - Eligibility
(a) To be eligible for funding described in Section 1991, a county shall create a subcommittee of the multiagency juvenile justice coordinating council, as described in Section 749.22, to develop a plan describing the facilities, programs, placements, services, supervision and reentry strategies that are needed to provide appropriate rehabilitation and supervision services for the population described in subdivision (b) of Section 1990.
(b) The subcommittee shall be composed of the chief probation officer, as chair or cochair, and one representative each from the district attorney's office, the public defender's office, the department of social services, the department of mental health, the county office of education or a school district, and a representative from the court. The subcommittee shall also include no fewer than three community members who shall be defined as individuals who have experience providing community-based youth services, youth justice advocates with expertise and knowledge of the juvenile justice system, or have been directly involved in the juvenile justice system. Any member may be selected as cochair of the subcommittee using a process determined by the subcommittee.
(c) The plan described in subdivision (a) shall be developed with review and participation of the subcommittee community members as defined in subdivision (b) and shall be approved by a majority of the subcommittee.
(d) The plan described in subdivision (a) shall include all of the following elements:
(1) A description of the realignment target population in the county that is to be supported or served by allocations from the block grant program, including the numbers of youth served, disaggregated by factors including their ages, offense and offense histories, gender, race or ethnicity, and other characteristics, and by the programs, placements, or facilities to which they are referred.
(2) A description of the facilities, programs, placements, services and service providers, supervision, and other responses that will be provided to the target population.
(3) A description of how grant funds will be applied to address each of the following areas of need or development for realigned youth:
(A) Mental health, sex offender treatment, or related behavioral or trauma-based needs.
(B) Support programs or services that promote healthy adolescent development.
(C) Family engagement in programs.
(D) Reentry, including planning and linkages to support employment, housing, and continuing education.
(E) Evidence-based, promising, trauma-informed, and culturally responsive practices.
(F) Whether and how the plan will include services or programs for realigned youth that are provided by nongovernmental or community-based providers.
(4) A detailed facility plan indicating which facilities will be used to house or confine realigned youth at varying levels of offense severity and treatment need, and improvements to accommodate long-term commitments. This element of the plan shall also include information on how the facilities will ensure the safety and protection of youth having different ages, genders, special needs, and other relevant characteristics.
(5) A description of how the plan will incentivize or facilitate the retention of realigned youth within the jurisdiction and rehabilitative foundation of the juvenile justice system in lieu of transfers of realigned youth into the adult criminal justice system.
(6) A description of any regional agreements or arrangements to be supported by the block grant allocation pursuant to this chapter.
(7) A description of how data will be collected on the youth served and outcomes for youth served by the block grant program, including a description the outcome measures that will be utilized to measure or determine the results of programs and interventions supported by block grant funds.
(8) A description of progress made regarding any elements described in this subdivision and any objectives and outcomes set forth in the plan submitted to the Office of Youth and Community Restoration the previous calendar year.
(e) In order to receive 2022-23 funding pursuant to Section 1991, a plan shall be filed with the Office of Youth and Community Restoration by January 1, 2022. In order to continue receiving funding, the subcommittee shall convene no less frequently than twice per year to consider the plan and shall update the plan annually. The plan shall be submitted to the Office of Youth and Community Restoration by May 1 of each year.
(f) The Office of Youth and Community Restoration shall review the plan to ensure that the plan contains all the elements and follows the planning process described in this section and may return the plan to the county for revision as necessary or to complete the required planning process prior to final acceptance of the plan. Any actions of the Office of Youth and Community Restoration pursuant to this section shall have no delay or withholding effect on the allocation of funds to counties pursuant to Section 1991.
(g) The Office of Youth and Community Restoration shall prepare and make available to the public on its internet website a summary and a copy of the annual county plans submitted pursuant to this section and date of the Office of Youth and Community Restoration's final acceptance of each plan.

Ca. Welf. and Inst. Code § 1995

Amended by Stats 2023 ch 528 (AB 505),s 4, eff. 1/1/2024.
Added by Stats 2020 ch 337 (SB 823),s 49, eff. 9/30/2020.