- Section 82000 - Definitions govern interpretation
- Section 82001 - Adjusting an amount for cost-of-living changes defined
- Section 82002 - Administrative action defined; ratemaking proceeding defined; quasi-legislative proceeding defined
- Section 82003 - Agency defined
- Section 82004 - Agency official defined
- Section 82004.5 - Behested payment
- Section 82005 - Business entity defined
- Section 82006 - [See Note] Campaign statement defined (§ 82006)
- Section 82007 - Candidate defined
- Section 82008 - City defined
- Section 82009 - [Repealed]
- Section 82009.5 - Clerk defined
- Section 82010 - Closing date defined
- Section 82011 - [Effective Until 1/1/2025] Code reviewing body defined
- Section 82011 - [Effective 1/1/2025] Code reviewing body defined
- Section 82012 - Commission defined
- Section 82013 - Committee defined
- Section 82014 - Conflict of interest code defined
- Section 82015 - Contribution defined
- Section 82015.5 - "Entity"; "majority owned"; determining when contributions are aggregated
- Section 82016 - Controlled committee defined
- Section 82017 - County defined
- Section 82018 - Cumulative amount defined
- Section 82019 - Designated employee defined
- Section 82020 - Elected officer defined
- Section 82021 - Elected state officer defined
- Section 82022 - Election defined
- Section 82022.5 - Election-related activities defined
- Section 82023 - Elective office defined
- Section 82024 - Elective state office defined
- Section 82025 - Expenditure defined
- Section 82025.3 - External manager defined
- Section 82025.5 - Fair market value defined
- Section 82026 - Filer defined
- Section 82027 - Filing officer defined
- Section 82027.5 - General purpose committee defined
- Section 82028 - Gift defined
- Section 82029 - Immediate family defined
- Section 82030 - Income defined
- Section 82030.5 - Earned income defined
- Section 82031 - Independent expenditure defined
- Section 82032 - Influencing legislative or administrative action defined
- Section 82033 - Interest in real property defined
- Section 82034 - Investment defined
- Section 82035 - Jurisdiction defined
- Section 82035.5 - LAFCO proposal defined
- Section 82036 - Late Contribution defined
- Section 82036.5 - Late independent expenditure defined
- Section 82037 - Legislative action defined
- Section 82038 - Legislative official defined
- Section 82038.3 - Lobbying coalitions; filing requirements
- Section 82038.5 - Lobbying firm defined
- Section 82039 - Lobbyist defined
- Section 82039.5 - Lobbyist employer defined
- Section 82041 - Local government agency defined
- Section 82041.3 - "Made at the behest of" defined
- Section 82041.5 - Mass mailing defined
- Section 82042 - Mayor defined
- Section 82043 - Measure defined
- Section 82044 - Payment defined
- Section 82045 - Payment to influence legislative or administrative action defined
- Section 82046 - Period covered defined
- Section 82047 - Person defined
- Section 82047.3 - Placement agent defined
- Section 82047.5 - Primarily formed committee
- Section 82047.6 - Principal officer defined
- Section 82047.7 - Proponent of a state ballot measure defined
- Section 82048 - [Effective Until 1/1/2025] Public official defined
- Section 82048 - [Effective 1/1/2025] Public official defined
- Section 82048.3 - Slate mailer defined
- Section 82048.4 - Slate mailer organization defined
- Section 82048.5 - Special district
- Section 82048.7 - Sponsored committee defined
- Section 82048.8 - Spouse defined
- Section 82049 - State agency defined
- Section 82050 - State candidate defined
- Section 82051 - State measure defined
- Section 82052 - Statewide candidate defined
- Section 82052.5 - [Repealed Effective 1/1/2025] Statewide election defined
- Section 82053 - Statewide elective office defined
- Section 82054 - Statewide petition defined