Alaska Stat. § 31.25.080

Current through Chapter 61 of the 2024 Legislative Session and 2024 Executive Orders 125, 133 through 135
Section 31.25.080 - Powers and duties
(a) In addition to other powers granted in this chapter, the corporation may
(1) determine the form of ownership and the operating structure of an in-state natural gas pipeline developed by the corporation and may enter into agreements with other persons for joint ownership, joint operation, or both of an in-state natural gas pipeline or an Alaska liquefied natural gas project;
(2) plan, finance, construct, develop, acquire, maintain, and operate a pipeline system and other transportation mechanism, including pipelines, compressors, storage facilities, and other related facilities, equipment, and works of public improvement, in the state to facilitate production, transportation, and delivery of natural gas or other related natural resources to the point of consumption or to the point of distribution for consumption;
(3) lease or rent facilities, structures, and properties;
(4) exercise the power of eminent domain and file a declaration of taking under AS 09.55.240 - 09.55.460 to acquire land or an interest in land that is necessary for an in-state natural gas pipeline or an Alaska liquefied natural gas project; the exercise of powers by the corporation under this paragraph may not exceed the permissible exercise of the powers by the state;
(5) acquire, by purchase, lease, or gift, land, structures, real or personal property, an interest in property, a right-of-way, a franchise, an easement, or other interest in land, or an interest in or right to capacity in a pipeline system determined to be necessary or convenient for the development, financing, construction, or operation of an in-state natural gas pipeline project or an Alaska liquefied natural gas project or part of an in-state natural gas pipeline project or an Alaska liquefied natural gas project;
(6) transfer or otherwise dispose of all or part of an in-state natural gas pipeline project, an Alaska liquefied natural gas project, or an interest in an asset of the corporation;
(7) elect to provide transportation of natural gas as a contract carrier, common carrier, or otherwise;
(8) provide light, water, security, and other services for property of the corporation;
(9) conduct hearings to gather and develop data consistent with the purpose and powers of the corporation;
(10) advocate for new pipeline capacity before the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission;
(11) make and execute agreements, contracts, and other instruments necessary or convenient in the exercise of the powers and functions of the corporation under this chapter, including a contract with a person, firm, corporation, governmental agency, or other entity;
(12) sue and be sued in its own name;
(13) adopt an official seal;
(14) adopt bylaws for the regulation of its affairs and the conduct of its business and adopt regulations and policies in connection with the performance of its functions and duties;
(15) employ fiscal consultants, engineers, attorneys, appraisers, and other consultants and employees that may, in the judgment of the corporation, be required and fix and pay their compensation from funds available to the corporation;
(16) procure insurance against a loss in connection with its operation;
(17) borrow money as provided in this chapter to carry out its corporate purposes and issue its obligations as evidence of borrowing;
(18) include in a borrowing the amounts necessary to pay financing charges, to pay interest on the obligations, and to pay the interest, consultant, advisory, and legal fees, and other expenses that are necessary or incident to the borrowing;
(19) receive, administer, and comply with the conditions and requirements of an appropriation, gift, grant, or donation of property or money;
(20) do all acts and things necessary, convenient, or desirable to carry out the powers expressly granted or necessarily implied in this chapter;
(21) invest or reinvest, subject to its contracts with noteholders and bondholders, money or funds held by the corporation, including funds in the in-state natural gas pipeline fund (AS 31.25.100) and the Alaska liquefied natural gas project fund (AS 31.25.110) , in obligations or other securities or investments in which banks or trust companies in the state may legally invest funds held in reserves or sinking funds or funds not required for immediate disbursement, and in certificates of deposit or time deposits secured by obligations of, or guaranteed by, the state or the United States;
(22) enter into, as it determines to be necessary or appropriate, any swap or hedge, cap, or other contract providing for payments based on levels of or changes in interest rates or indices or in the cost or price of any commodity, supply, or expense expected to be used or incurred in connection with the acquisition, construction, or operation of any facility or property owned, leased, or operated by the corporation, or an option with respect to any of the foregoing;
(23) except as provided in (g) of this section, acquire an ownership or participation interest in an Alaska liquefied natural gas project, natural gas treatment facilities, natural gas pipeline facilities, liquefaction facilities, marine terminal facilities related to the infrastructure of an Alaska liquefied natural gas project, or an entity or joint venture that has an ownership interest in or is engaged in the planning, financing, acquisition, maintenance, construction, and operation of an Alaska liquefied natural gas project;
(24) after consultation with the commissioner of revenue and the commissioner of natural resources, enter into contracts relating to an Alaska liquefied natural gas project, including contracts for services related to operation, marketing, transportation, gas treatment, marine terminal operation, or liquefaction.
(b) Upon commencement of construction of an in-state natural gas pipeline, the corporation shall analyze potential natural gas pipelines and other transportation mechanisms connecting to industrial, residential, or utility customers in other regions of the state. If the corporation finds that a natural gas pipeline or other transportation mechanism analyzed under this subsection is in the best interest of the state and can meet the needs of industrial, residential, or utility customers at commercially reasonable rates, the corporation may finance, construct, or operate the natural gas pipeline or other transportation mechanism as necessary. When developing or constructing a connecting line or other transportation mechanism, the corporation shall, to the maximum extent feasible, use existing land, structures, real or personal property, rights-of-way, easements, or other interests in land acquired by the corporation.
(c) The corporation may not develop or construct a natural gas pipeline that is a competing natural gas pipeline project for purposes of AS 43.90.440.
(d) The corporation shall establish a schedule of reasonable fees, rental rates, and other charges, and collect fees, rentals, and other charges for use of the facilities of the corporation.
(e) If commitments to acquire firm transportation capacity for the in-state natural gas pipeline are received in an open season conducted by the corporation, the corporation shall, within 10 days after accepting and executing the written commitments received during the open season, report the results of the open season to the president of the senate and the speaker of the house of representatives and inform the public of the results of the open season through publication on the Internet website of the corporation and in a press release or other announcement to the media. The results made public must include the name of each prospective shipper, the amount of capacity allocated, and the period of the commitment. If the corporation determines that the commitments received during the open season are not sufficient to permit the corporation to continue the development or construction of the natural gas pipeline, the corporation shall report that to the legislature within 30 days.
(f)[Repealed, Sec. 71 ch 14 SLA 2014.]
(g) The power in (a)(23) of this section may not be exercised by an entity or subsidiary of the corporation that is advancing the development of an in-state natural gas pipeline.

AS 31.25.080

Amended by SLA 2014, ch. 14,§§sec.13, sec.14, sec.15, sec.71 eff. 5/8/2014.
Added by SLA 2013, ch. 11,sec. 3, eff. 5/21/2013.